Interview with Dave Asprey, Changing Your Environment to Upgrade Your Health

Dave Asprey
*Audio Content Available For Members Only. Click Here to Join Now

In this episode we speak with Dave Asprey, author of the book Headstrong -The Bulletproof Plan to Activate Untapped Brain Energy to Work Smarter and Think Faster

Dave is a Silicon Valley investor and technology entrepreneur who spent two decades and over $1 million to hack his own biology. He went from 300 pounds to fit and able to perform at a high level. Continue Reading →


Treating Piriformis Pain with Active Release Therapy

Piriformis muscleHere’s a great question that came in for the recent MTA podcast episode on Injury.

In this Q & A, I discuss Active Release Therapy (ART) and the importance of getting to the root cause of Piriformis Pain.

The Piriformis is a very important muscle in the buttock region. It helps to stabilize the pelvis and femur (the long leg bone) and rotates the leg outward.

It is also a common location for pain! Continue Reading →


Hey Fast Runners: Here’s What Your Slow Friends Wish You’d Stop Doing

We were standing in a parking lot, bibs pinned to our shirts, warming up, making final trips to the porta-potties, contemplating if we wanted to drop any last-minute layers off in our checked bags.

It was race morning of our latest greatest half marathon and there were about 12 of us, all Crossfit athletes, all in great shape. We were chatting race strategy, trying to take the edge off the pre-race nerves. “Ugh.” Said one of the guys, “It’s gonna be a slow day for me.”

“Oh yea? How slow?” I asked, thinking that maybe we could run together. Continue Reading →


Running and Posture

lady slouchingIs your running form suffering from bad posture? How you sit, stand, and carry yourself off the pavement has a big impact on your own body mechanics and running efficiency when you’re on the pavement. Spinal alignment, balanced and flexible hips, and limber, pain-free muscles are a postural recipe for successful running technique that can make a big difference in your next marathon. Continue Reading →


Marathon Training in the Summer Heat

woman running in the heatHere’s a great question that came in from a fan in India who is dealing with daytime temperatures of 39 degrees Celsius (102.2 Fahrenheit).

Hi A&T, I am a big fan of your podcast. I started running in 2013. I have three running goals: 1. Run a half marathon under 2:00; 2. Run a full marathon under 5:00; 3. Run 2,000 KM in 2017! Last 2 months have been very hot in Pune, India (where I live) with daytime temperatures reaching 39 deg C. It is definitely impacting my pace and soreness. I wonder if a future podcast will talk about running in summer. Regards, -Milind

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Meet New MTA Coach Dominique Hamel

The globe-trotting ultra marathoner brings a wealth of experience and similar coaching philosophy to the Marathon Training Academy coaching group.

Sports had always been a part of Dominique Hamel’s life. Collegiate soccer. Basketball AAA.

Then life took over and she became busy with her three daughters and career, working as an economist with the Canadian government. She felt overweight and exhausted.

Thanks to a friend’s inspiration, Hamel took up running and has now finished nearly 60 marathons and 13 ultras. Now, the newest Marathon Training Academy coach is looking to inspire other runners. Continue Reading →


How to Get to the Root Cause of an Injury

injuryInjury can quickly sideline any runner by causing pain, frustration, and disappointment over lost training days and unmet goals.

Injuries can be classified as accidental or as a result of overuse.

Some injuries occur due to accidents (such as tripping or falling). Accidents are unfortunate, but mostly random. Using common sense can help you to avoid repeating similar injuries.

Overuse and overload type injuries are preventable if you reduce your risks. Let me explain . . . Continue Reading →


MTA: Where Coaching and Camaraderie Meet

Pat McCainPat McCain has achieved running goals and embraced a new family of runners in the Marathon Training Academy.

Pat McCain ran in college because it was required.

“Running was not something I chose to do but rather forced to do,” McCain recalled. “I remember the first time I ran — I couldn’t even make a mile!” After joining the Air Force in 1988, he continued running. “You might say that I have been forced to run for almost 30 years!”

But it wasn’t until recently when McCain embraced coaching and the Marathon Training Academy, both of which helped him achieve what he once thought was impossible. Continue Reading →


The Science of Peak Performance -Interview with Brad Stulberg and Steve Magness

climbing a peak*Audio Content Available For Members Only. Click Here to Join Now

In this episode we speak with the authors of the forthcoming book Peak Performance -Elevate Your Game, Avoid Burnout, and Thrive with the New Science of Success.

What do peak performers do differently and how can we condition ourselves to achieve more in running and life?
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Fixing Problems in Your Kinetic Chain

The term kinetic chain is basically the a concept that your body is interconnected.  We’re made up of fixed segments made mobile by joints and all these segments and joints have an effect on each other in the process of moving. 

When one part is in motion it creates a chain of events that impacts other segments of the body (frequently neighboring areas).  A weakness, inflammation, or injury can show up in other segments of the body in response to repetitive motion (like running).  Continue Reading →