Interview with Tim Borland

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Tim ran 63 marathons in 63 days to bring awarness to a rare and fatal children’s disease called Ataxia Telangiectasia (A-T).

His amazing journey is chronicled in a film called “FEAT Movie.”

Tim ran a full 26.2 miles each day while pushing a mobility-jogging stroller for 63 days in 63 different communities across the U.S.

Check out Tim’s video at the bottom of this post. Continue Reading →


MTA Member is Open!

I am excited to finally announce that MTA Member is open!

Click on the following link to take an exclusive video tour of what’s inside.

My friends and family thought I was crazy when I said I wanted to run a marathon. Some even told me it was dangerous.

But there has always been part of me that loves a challenge. I guess you can say I’m the kind of person who hates to sit around and watch life pass me by.

So without knowing anyone else who had run 26.2 miles I set out to prove to myself that I could do it. Not only would I run a marathon, I would take control of my health and fitness forever. It was truly a life changing journey. Continue Reading →


Quick Clarification

Hey guys this is Angie,

The past couple days there has been a little confusion that I need to apologize for.

The MTA Podcast has been such a great joy to do, and as you’re hearing me talk about MTA Member, I need to clear one thing up. Continue Reading →


New Opening Day for MTA Member

We were working hard to announce the launch of MTA Member today, but instead had an early arrival of our own.

At 11:37 pm on Oct 1st we were pleased to welcome our new son, Liam, into the world. He is a healthy little guy at 7 pounds, 9 ounces and 20 inches long.

We arrived at the hospital a whopping seven minutes before he was born. He certainly was in a hurry to get here. Does that mean he’ll be a future runner? Continue Reading →


The Ten Biggest Mistakes Runners Make (Part 2)

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There are five more mistakes I want to help you navigate around in your marathon training.

If you make these mistakes you could greatly restrict your progress as a runner or have a bad experience on race day.


MTA Member will be opening up October 4th!

MTA Member is my step by step system for conquering the marathon and staying in great shape. This will be an exclusive membership site for those who want more help from me in their training.

I’m going to give you all my strategies, secrets, and tips for building and maintaining optimal health and conquering the marathon distance while staying injury free.

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The 10 Biggest Mistakes Runners Make

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Being human means making mistakes and I have certainly made my fair share (although not as many as Trevor).

But when it comes to running some mistakes can set you back for months.

So I want to help you effectively navigate around these 10 mistakes so you can be a healthy happy runner all of your days.

And we have also made a special video to go along with this episode. Continue Reading →


The Truth About Stretching

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Stretching after a run can reduce muscle soreness and fatigue, prevent joint injuries, and increase the muscle’s efficiency of movement (improving your overall speed, stamina, posture, balance, and form).

Stretching is also great for relaxation!

But unfortunately many runners do not have a good stretching routine. Or worse, their stretching is doing more harm than good! Continue Reading →


Interview with Bart Yasso

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Bart Yasso is the Chief Running Officer at Runner’s World magazine and author of the Book, My Life on the Run. He has completed the toughest races on the planet and influenced thousands of people to improve their lives through running.

In this interview we ask Bart about his journey as an iconic runner, training tips for beginners, the mental aspects of running a marathon, and much more.

Bart’s story will teach you to never limit where running can take you. Continue Reading →


The Growing Popularity of Running

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More and more people around the world are discovering how awesome running is for coping with stress, losing weight, staying fit, and finding new purpose in life.

Should we be surprised?

We marathoners have known all along how running can bring satisfaction to life in even the toughest times.

But now it seems our little secret is getting out! Continue Reading →


Sweating and Hydrating 101

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water bottleWhen I run I sweat. . . a lot!

In fact, I once had an elderly lady at the YMCA approach me and ask, “Excuse me, um I was wondering, why do you sweat so much?”

Believe it or not this was not the only time people have noticed my well fuctioning eccrine glands.

So being a recognized expert when it comes to sweat, let me tell you how to properly hydrate to keep the body’s cooling system in excellent working order.
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The Runner’s High and Why We Love It!

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Have you ever felt like you could run forever? -Like your legs are on auto-pilot while your mind disassociates from your body. You attain a higher mental state where your thoughts become clear and contemplative and the miles seem to wiz by. This is known as the runner’s high.
runner's high

Many runner’s have experienced it.

Some doubt it. . .

But I’m here to tell you that it is real.

It is scientific.

And it is awesome! Continue Reading →