photo credit: @runthealps, @kimberly.strom
Trevor and Angie will be hosting a nine day run/hike on the famous Tour du Mont Blanc (TMB).
The Tour du Mont-Blanc is the most famous trail running route in the world, and for good reason. Wandering over mountain trails from France, to Italy, to Switzerland and back into France, the “TMB” footpath includes some of the most iconic mountain terrain anywhere.
We believe this trip will be a transformational experience on many levels. You will be inspired by the natural beauty of the Alps, challenged by the distance around Mont Blanc (roughly 165k), and get to hang out with Trevor, Angie, and fellow MTA podcast fans!
The tour starts on July 11th 2024. Please email us if you want to be added to the waiting list! There is currently 0 spots available. Continue Reading →