
Personal Coaching Services

The purpose of coaching is to take you further in your training than you can take yourself. We excel at helping runners . . .

  • Train for first marathon, half marathon or ultra
  • Run faster. Achieve a personal record (PR) or Boston qualifying time.
  • Run further. Safely train for back to back marathons and mileage increases while minimizing injuries.
  • Get your fitness back. Systematically build your fitness to its pre-injury level.
  • Run more efficiently. Fine tune your nutrition, fueling, and form.
  • Implementation of race day strategy. Your coach will help you evaluate the course and formulate a solid plan for getting through the tough parts of your marathon.
  • Stay motivated -develop positive habits that last a lifetime.

When you sign up for coaching we send you a detailed coaching questionnaire (it covers everything from current health status, goals, past running stats/accomplishments, history of injury, time availability, current fueling, etc).

Based on your answers we place you with a MTA coach that would be a good fit and who has current openings. Your personal coach would then contact you via email with any follow-up questions that they have and also answer any initial questions that you have about the process.

Your coach will develop the first part of your training plan (usually around 2 weeks at a time). Most coaches want their clients to check in with a summary of their workouts at least once a week and your coach is available to answer any questions you have and make modifications to your training schedule as needed too. Communication is done via email.

We have clients from all over the world taking their running to the next level. Put the power of MTA Coaching into your training!

Pricing and Availability

As a client you will be charged the personal coaching payment of $199 a month. Coaching spots fill on a first come first served basis.

The coaching payment is re-billed each month until client cancels. We do request that you commit to a minimum of 3 months (most clients stay much longer). It’s hard for the coach to get the best results for you in less than 3 months.

As a coaching client you also get the benefits of Basic Academy Membership which includes access to all premium training lessons, videos, bonus interviews, back podcast episodes and our awesome private Facebook group.

Coaching Sign Up Form

Please review the following Coaching Waiver before signing up.
By ordering MTA coaching services you agree to the following:

Waiver of Liability In consideration of being permitted to participate in MTA coaching program, I, for myself, my heirs, personal representatives and assigns, do hereby release, waive, covenant not to sue and discharge MTA Coach and Marathon Training Academy from liability from any and all claims including the negligence of MTA Coach and Marathon Training Academy resulting in personal injury, accidents, illnesses (including death), and property loss arising from, but not limited to, participation in MTA Personalized Coaching.

Assumption of Risks: Participation in running and conditioning programs carries with it certain inherent risks that cannot be eliminated regardless of the care taken to avoid injuries. I know that running is a potential hazardous activity and certify that I am in good health and physically fit enough to enter into a training program. I acknowledge that I am aware of the many risks involved in athletic training in general and running training specifically, which risks include by way of example and not limited to: 1) Minor injuries such as scrapes, bruises, sprains and strains, 2) more serious injuries such as joint, muscle and bone injuries, concussions and other head injuries, health-related injuries such as heat stroke and heat exhaustion, dehydration and over hydration conditions such as hyponatremia, and catastrophic injures and conditions such as heart attacks and other conditions or injuries which could be fatal. I have read the previous paragraphs and I know, understand, and appreciate these and other risks that are inherent in training for and participating in road, trail and track running and racing and any other conditioning and cross training activities associated with that training. I hereby assert that my participation is voluntary and that I knowingly assume all such risks.

Indemnification and Hold Harmless: I also agree to IDEMNIFY AND HOLD HARMLESS MTA Coach and Marathon Training Academy from any and all claims, actions, suits, procedures, costs, expenses, damages and liabilities, including attorney’s fees brought as a result of my involvement in MTA Training Program.

Severability: The undersigned further expressly agrees that the foregoing waiver and assumption of risks agreement is intended to be as broad and inclusive as is permitted by the law of the State of Missouri and that if any portion thereof is held invalid, it is agreed that the balance shall, notwithstanding, continue in full legal force and effect.

Acknowledgment of Understanding: I have read this waiver of liability, assumption of risk, and indemnity agreement consisting of two pages, fully understand its terms, and I understand that I am giving up substantial rights, including my right to sue. I acknowledge that I am signing the agreement freely and voluntarily, and intend by my signature to be a complete and unconditional release of all liability to the greatest extent allowed by law.

I have read the Coaching Waiver and I agree


Meet the MTA Coaches . . .


Coach Angie Spencer

  • Co-Founder of Marathon Training Academy
  • Bachelor of Science from Montana State University. Registered Nurse for over 18 years
  • RRCA Level 2 and USATF Level 1 Certified Running Coach
  • Has run 70 Marathons and Ultras; 3:19 marathon PR
  • Lover of books and dark chocolate!

Coach Abby Omerza

  • Head Coach at Marathon Training Academy
  • RRCA Certified Coach
  • Master of Science in Exercise Physiology and Fitness Leadership; Certified Exercise Physiologist, Certified Personal Trainer, and Certified Nutrition Coach
  • Boston Marathon Qualifier, with a marathon PR of 3:26; has competed in marathons for 10 years, as well as triathlons
  • Enthusiastic about helping others to develop lifetime habits for optimal health!

Coach Nicole Hart

  • Level 2 RRCA Certified Running Coach; Certified Personal Trainer; Certified Sports Conditioning Specialist
  • Registered Nurse
  • Boston Qualifier, Finisher of several ultramarathons up to 50 miles, more than a dozen marathons, dozens of halfs, and team relay races
  • Chapter leader of She Runs This Town and volunteer coach for Girls on the Run.

Coach Lynn Grieger

  • Level 2 RRCA Certified Running Coach
  • Registered Dietitian and Certified Health and Wellness Coach
  • Certified Diabetes Care and Education Specialist (CDCES)
  • Has run a marathon in all 50 states after the age of 40; 65 marathons total and 3 ultras
  • Over 25 years coaching experience
  • Works with all levels of runners from beginners to experienced. Her passion is to encourage runners to reach for their dreams one practical step at a time. It’s never too late to chart a healthy path!

Coach Steve Waldon

  • RRCA Certified Running Coach
  • 2:53 marathoner with 50+ marathon and ultra finishes; finisher of the Atacama Crossing, a 155 mile self-supported stage race
  • Focused on both road running and trail ultras
  • Paces the 3:30 group at the New York City Marathon every year
  • A self-professed running geek who loves to dive into the science of training

Coach Athena Farias

  • RRCA Level 2 Certified Running Coach, Certified Personal Trainer, Exercise Physiologist, Corrective Exercise Specialist
  • Masters in Exercise Science and Health Promotion
  • Certified Coach in Menopause for Athletes and Women Are Not Small Men courses
  • 15 marathons (5 Boston qualifiers), 7 ultras, countless half marathons and numerous obstacle race 1st place finishes.
  • Endurance junkie and lover of all things trail running!

Joel Pearson

Coach Joel Pearson

  • Master of Science in Sport Management
  • Holds highest certifications for USATF, IAAF, RRCA, USTFCCCA
  • Coach of World Qualifiers, America Records, USA/College Champions
  • Collegiate Head Coach, USATF Level 1 & 2 Instructor
  • 2:49:41 marathoner; 26 year running streak

Coach Henry Howard

  • RRCA Certified Running Coach
  • Running Journalist, guest contributor to the MTA blog
  • 3:23 Marathoner, multiple Boston Marathon qualifiers
  • More than 30 marathons and ultras (50k to 100 miles), including podium finishes
  • Has coached athletes to BQs, first marathons and ultras, and more

Coach Antonio Garcia

  • RRCA Certified Running Coach
  • Ran the Boston Marathon in 3:20:25 (in 2023) at age 59!
  • Fluent in English, Spanish, Portuguese and French
  • Believes that running should not be complicated and most important, should be enjoyable. If runners enjoy the training cycle, PRs will follow!

Coach Cindy Neldner

  • RRCA Level II Running Coach, USATF Level I Track & Field Coach
  • 25 marathon finishes; runner for over 30+ years; former Division 1 Collegiate Heptathlete turned marathoner.
  • Medical Administrator with Masters of Science in Health Services Admin; Master Resiliency Trainer, Prosci Change Practitioner, Certified Worksite Wellness Specialist
  • Mantra: “Chase after your dreams, one mile at a time!”

Coach Kris Smith

  • RRCA Running Coach and a ACE Certified Personal Trainer
  • 2:58 Marathoner and a 1:16 Half Marathoner
  • Has run 9 Boston Qualifiers in 14 marathon finishes and has qualified as a sub elite runner for multiple races
  • Coaches for the Dashing Whippets Run Team, one of the largest clubs in New York City

Coach Carri Marlow

  • RRCA Certified Running Coach; UESCA Certified Ultra Marathon Coach
  • Certified Personal Trainer, Corrective Exercise Specialist, Women’s Fitness Specialist, Fitness Nutrition Specialist
  • Local Trail Series Race Director
  • Has coached Boston Marathoners, first timers and everything in between
  • Passionate about helping others live a healthy, active lifestyle

Coach Erin Palos

  • Certified through the Road Runners Club of America (RRCA)
  • Boston Qualifier, 12 time marathoner, 50k Ultra finisher, Half Ironman finisher, and countless half marathons and 5ks
  • Former Chapter Leader of She Runs this Town
  • Committed to helping others discover the transformative power of running.

Coach Erin Smith

  • RRCA Certified Running Coach
  • Numerous race finishes from 5k to 100 miles; as well as timed events and multi-day stage races
  • Head Coach for the Milwaukee Lakefront Marathon
  • Enjoys road running, loves trail running, and practices yoga daily
  • Has coached runners of all ages and abilities; middle school cross county, high school track, first time marathon runners, Boston Qualifiers, and ultra runners

Coach Jena Ziegler

  • RRCA & UESCA Certified Running Coach
  • Physical Therapist specialized in runners
  • Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT)
  • Marathoner and mother of two
  • Passionate about helping injured runners get back to running!


What Clients are Saying . . .

Can’t wait to see what else I can accomplish!
“I always wanted to be a runner but I was never consistent enough- I would get discouraged then come back to it every few months. After many failed attempts at trying to train on my own, I bit the bullet and contacted MTA for help. Now today I am proud to say that I am a success story!

I was able to show up and successfully complete the 2021 Chicago Marathon injury free! I have gone through so many ups and downs these past few months and Coach Antonio has been nothing but supportive and informative through all of it.

He drew up a training plan that was suitable for me. It was not overwhelming and he really built my confidence up that made me truly believe that I can do hard things! Thank you soooo much again, MTA!!! Running the Chicago Marathon has truly changed my life . . . I can’t wait to see what else I can accomplish!!” Regards, Emily Novak

One of the best days of my life . . .
“Today was one of the best days of my life. 4:12:49 at the 50th New York City Marathon and in no small part thanks to MTA Coach Lynn! This was a PR of over 58 minutes (!!!) from my first marathon in February.

I truly had no idea what I was doing before coaching and came to her saying I hoped I could run New York in 4:30-4:45! Well obviously that goal was smashed AND my body feels ten times better than it did the first time.

Whether you run, walk, or crawl, you MUST put the NYC marathon on your bucket list. Strangers were screaming my name the entire 26.2 miles and I don’t think I stopped smiling once. Thank you MTA- I truly ran a marathon and changed my life!” -Julia

I’m officially a marathoner now and I’m hooked!

“I completed my first marathon today, Revel Rockies. And with the help of Coach Henry, I achieved my “A” goal of a sub 5 hour race with a time of 4:54:48!

I’m officially a marathoner now and I’m hooked! I’ve already signed up for the Richmond Marathon this November. Thank you for creating such an amazing community and encouraging us to do hard things!” -Parker Watson

BQ’d at Two Races
“My first Boston Marathon on Monday was amazing. Much of the credit goes to MTA coach Lynn for getting me there. I signed up for coaching after hitting the wall hard at mile 20 when running my first marathon in 2019.

Working with coach Lynn I ran and BQ’d at two races in 2021 and was thrilled to be accepted to run Boston in 2022.

With excellent guidance and the training plan from Lynn I ran 3:44:20 at Boston and felt great doing it!” -Michelle Baker

I am an ultramarathoner!
“I am an ultramarathoner! Mount Hood 50 miler in the books.

I did not give up on my goal of running sub 10 hours and crossed the line at 9:59 for second place in my age group (50+).

Many thanks to my MTA coach Steven Waldon for indulging me in this diversion from marathon training and sharing his wisdom to help me succeed.” -Bill Drinkward

A strong, powerful, female athlete
When I reached out to MTA for coaching I never imagined I’d end up getting connected with someone who not only provided excellent training and guidance but also served as a key role model I so desperately needed.

You filled a gap I hadn’t realized existed (or perhaps just hadn’t acknowledged) – that of a mentor. And not just any mentor – a strong, powerful, female athlete

3:12:02 Marathon at Age 51
I coached myself for 17 years–and thought I was pretty good, however in just 3 months, Coach Joel helped me deliver a 17 minute PR in the Indianapolis Monumental Marathon and guaranteed me a place in the 2021 Boston Marathon with a 3:12:02. Coach Joel clearly knew what he was doing!!

With Joel’s help I got my fueling strategy tuned up as well. There was NO WALL in the Monumental for me. In fact, I passed over 300 runners in the last 12K!

I am very grateful for Coach Joel and for you and Angie. You changed my disappointment into elation and my frustration into mental clarity. Thanks for making me a better runner.”-John Sparzo

Training for Specificity
“I signed up with Marathon Training Academy and MTA Coach Abby. That in itself took me out of comfort zone because I never had to be accountable to anyone but myself and a group training program in the past. But surprisingly, I responded well to training on my own with Abby’s guidance.

Her customized approach made sense to me, and I welcomed the opportunity to shake my training up and push myself. I also appreciated truly training for specificity which is essential for a race like Boston.

I managed to achieve my happy, realistic A-goal. I hit all my process goals and surpass my expectations for a course PR (41 seconds short of a BQ:)” -Yvette Murphy

First Marathon at the Age of 50
“I just wanted to give a quick thankyou for the the services you provide through your coaching. I was able to finish my first marathon at the age of 50 with the help of Coach Kristen.

I could not have done it without her help! Thanks for helping me accomplish something I have wanted to accomplish for many years. One bucket-list item marked off!” -Deb R.

Best coach anyone could ask for

“A challenging (quite hilly) but satisfying half marathon. I’m taking first in my age group (don’t ask 😉) and 5th overall female as a definite win 🏃🏾‍♀️🏅😄. Special shout out to Coach Nicole Hart for her excellent plan, unstinting support and being the best coach anyone could ask for!” -Kofo B.

Best money I’ve ever spent

“I’ve had Angie as a coach now for a little over a year and it has been the best money I’ve ever spent regarding my running. I’ve started to PRd in nearly every race I run since starting with her and cut over 30 min off my marathon time so far.” -JJ Stark-Christian

Links to More Client Success Stories . . .