Prolific racing without injury and burnout

Thank you to our client Mareike from Germany for sharing this feedback on working with a MTA coach. We are impressed by the challenges she continues to set for herself. She writes,

“I started working with Coach Abby in January 2023 to make sure I got some one guide me professionally through all the races I had planned to run that year. Especially since I did not want to injure myself by running to much.

Abby’s training plans have guided me through everything I had planned for myself and even further!

Not only did I not get injured, but my times improved. All while I never felt like I was burning out.

In 2024 I was able to run five halfmarathons, one 34k race, two relays with about 30k distance to cover, one marathon and two ultramarathons (50k and 67k) all without any running related injuries.

And I even got an eleven minute PR in the halfmarathon and a twenty minute PR in the marathon out of it!!! Continue Reading →


First Full Marathon Thanks to MTA Coaching

Congrats to our client Evyn Whiteley on finishing her first marathon! She writes,

“I wanted to say a huge thank you to MTA and Coach Jena for helping me complete my first full marathon in Chicago this weekend.

I ran it with my Dad, Brian Whiteley who introduced me to MTA.

Running by his side, with his support was unmatched. This is the highlight of my year, and I will forever remember this weekend.

We completed the race in 5hr and 26 min. This was the hardest thing I have ever done, and I can’t wait to do it all over again!

I cannot thank you enough for pairing me with Coach Jena. She was encouraging, and helped me realize that I can run much faster than I think I can. I felt very prepared and supported by her and MTA.

And most importantly, I cannot thank my Dad enough. He’s my hero, and has instilled in me a love of running by pure example.” -Evyn Whiteley. Continue Reading →


Interview with Mikuláš Dzurinda -Marathoner and Prime Minister of Slovakia

In this episode we bring you to Slovakia! Trevor speaks with the former prime minister Mikuláš Dzurinda -a transformational leader and avid runner with 39 marathon finishes. Continue Reading →


Incredible Training Plan and Steadfast Support

Congrats to our client Kofo Obasanjo-Blackshire on finishing another marathon and earning a 12 minute PB!! She writes,

Had a whale of a time at the 50th Berlin Marathon 🇩🇪 on Sunday. It was pure magic!

The weather was glorious and the vibe was phenomenal. My second destination race, this anniversary marathon was nothing short of awesome. I ran strong, and despite collapsing at the finish😯😃, still scored a 12-minute PB (and was 24 minutes faster than my spring marathon in April!).

Aren’t we fortunate to be able to do what we love? Running is a gift that I hope to keep enjoying for years to come.

Shout out to MTA Coach Nicole for an incredible training plan, steadfast support and keeping me on track when I wobbled! The journey was neither smooth nor easy, there was despair and doubt along the way. Pleased with a 3:53 finish (my first official sub-4) and a strong race.


First Marathon Done Through MTA Coaching

Congrats to our client David who finished his first marathon! He writes,

“With the help and support of MTA Coach Cindy I finished my 1st marathon on Sunday at the Long Beach Marathon.

I joined MTA at the beginning of the year running a number of half marathons and . . . somedays I felt like my run reports were more about what went wrong; It was too hot, or my Achilles hurt, or my stomach hurt or work was so stressful.

That said I appreciate Coach Cindy being able to turn my bad days into positive thoughts and focus on how we adjust and move forward.

I am so incredibly proud of myself and so very thankful for Coach Cindy and all of my friends and family who helped and supported me. For me it took a mountain of time and a village of support along the way. The feeling at the finish and the hugs from my family after I crossed made it all worth it.”

-David G.


The Six Laws of Running Form

In this episode we speak with physical therapy doctor, Matthew Silver, about the Six Laws of Running Form. Dr. Matt is author of the book ‘Built to Run -The Runner’s Guide to Fixing Common Injuries, Resolving Pain, and Optimizing Running Performance Now and for Life’.

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How to make your next marathon better than your last

Here’s a question we received from a listener to the podcast named Samantha.

Hi! I have been listening to you guys for a couple of years now and I completed my first marathon in Dec. 2023 listening to the podcast!! I heard about the Las Vegas Marathon through you guys and I am signed up and ready to go! I am quite a bit into my training and I’m wondering if the elevation change is significant enough that I need to tailor some of my training to it. If you have any quick tips to incorporate to help my second marathon go smoothly that would be very appreciated!
Thank you! -Samantha

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Interview with Dr. Michael Greger

In this episode we speak with Dr. Michael Greger author of the book ‘How Not to Age -The Scientific Approach to Getting Healthier as You Get Older’.

Plus, Coach Angie shares tips on how to make your next marathon go smoothly! Continue Reading →