Congrats to our client Melanie who ran her first marathon at the Two Cities Marathon in California!
“I freaking did it! Yesterday I ran and completed my first marathon! I fulfilled a dream I had since I was 16 years old. 🥹 It was worth the long hours of training, the weight gain from carb loading, 😅😮💨 pain, and everything else.
I ran conservatively but now that I know what it’s like, I can’t wait to train for the next one and do it better and stronger. I don’t think I would have been as successful if it wasn’t for Marathon Training Academy and MTA Coach Erin Palos! Thank you so much for your support and guidance! My chip time was 5:33:12.
Also, I oftentimes get insecure about my body not looking like an “average” runner, but I am proud of this body! This body has grown and birthed three beautiful babies and pushed through hundreds of miles of running.” 🥲🫶. -Melanie O