Archive | Listener Question

How do you train for a marathon when you are slow?

MTA Coach Lynn has run a marathon in every US state after the age of 40. She is a certified running coach, registered dietician and an expert at helping “back-of-the-pack” runners.


“How do you train for a marathon when you are slow? Should you follow the standard program even though the 18-20 mile rubs will take over five hours, or do you stop at a shorter time and just go for it at a race. Also, how do you deal with the course opening to everybody and you are out there wearing a bib all alone. I did it once and the difficulty in being alone was harder than the actual run. I want to do one more marathon next year but have to prepare better.” -Callie Pappas Winner


What strength training exercises do you recommend for runners?

MTA Coach Athena answers a question about strength training for runners. Learn about personalized coaching through Marathon Training Academy here.

“My question concerns strength training. We hear all the time that strength training needs to be incorporated in running plans. However, I am not sure what this actually means. Is it lifting weights…or squats…or lunges? What strength training exercises do you recommend for runners and for how long or how many reps would be beneficial? -Thanks for all you do!” Deborah Kiernan


What about speedwork for half marathon training?

Coach Nicole answers a question about speedwork and internal training. Learn more about MTA Coaching here:

I started running about 10 years ago at the age of 40. (Late bloomer). I’ve always been slow-ish. My best half-marathon time is 2:20. How can I get faster? I know all the buzz words like intervals and tempo runs. But what does that look like when I’m running around my neighborhood or local park? Sprint from mailbox to mailbox? Watch my Garmin the whole time? I guess I’m looking for home grown suggestions that are easy to follow. Linda


How Many Calories Should I Consume on Long Run Days Versus Lower Mileage Days?

Metabolism expert Angelo Poli from MetPro answers a question about fueling properly and metabolism regulation. Talk to a metabolic expert about your goals:

I do have a question regarding fueling properly and metabolism regulation. I have trouble knowing how many calories to consume on long run days vs lower mileage days. Is it possible to damage your metabolism by under-fueling/over fueling for your runs? How do we know if we are taking in too many calories as a runner? Thank you! Rebecca Sewald


What are healthy snacks to keep hunger in check between meals?

Metabolism expert Angelo Poli from MetPro gives recommendations on healthy snacks for runners to help keep hunger in check between meals. Talk to a metabolic expert about your goals:

I always feel motivated when listening to your podcast! Your enthusiasm, humor, education, and podcast topics helped me get back into running after my first AND second baby! “I can do hard things!” I find that I am more than 1 minute per mile slower post babies, which is hard to accept as I like competing with myself! I wonder if it’s due to my change in nutrition, or sleep, or both?! I would love to learn about quick, practical snacks for a full scheduled, working mom of two, trying to get back to quick paced running, please! I appreciate your knowledge, inspiration, and time. Sincerely, Berenise Lemus Balguma


Q&A | Training Tips for Older Runners

Coach Nicole Hart answers a question from an older runner. Learn more about MTA Coaching here.

“I am now 75 years old and still run about 20 miles/week. I have run a few marathons, (and many half marathons) but not in a few years. What do you recommend for an old guy like me for getting back in marathon shape? Should I pay attention to my heartrate or to my pace? What should my optimal running weight be? My goal would be to run as best I can in order to make a judgment as to whether or not I might be able to qualify for Boston. So, what should my goal be?” -Herb


[Part 2] Ask the Coaches Q and A

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In this episode we bring you part of Ask the Coaches Q and A where the Coach Angie and Coach Nicole answer questions sent in from listeners.

In this session we discuss training by time versus training by distance, busting through plateaus, hill runs, pacing, lifting heavy, how Angie stay motivated when she was dealing with a hormonal imbalance, compression gear, and staying strong in the last 5k of a marathon. Continue Reading →