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How to Become Superhuman: Interview with Fitness and Nutrition Expert Ben Greenfield

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Ben Greenfield is a fitness and nutrition expert who competes at the Ironman and Half Ironman World Championships.

What does it mean to become superhuman?
Everyone is born with a certain number of genetic triggers. Your diet can unlock or keep locked those triggers that have the power to activate your genetic potential. Becoming superhuman means to become the strongest version of yourself possible.

Here are the questions we asked Ben:

  1. You have a live event coming up called Superhuman Coach, can you tell us what it means to become superhuman?
  2. Can you give us some examples of superhuman food?
  3. What do you think about eating for one’s blood type? Will it help with weight loss?
  4. Overtraining: how do we prevent it? And if we see we’re starting to over-train, what can we do without losing too much during marathon training?
  5. How do endurance athletes handle the GI distress issue?
  6. Why does cramping happen and how can we prevent it?
  7. What should I be looking for in a probiotic supplement in terms of specific bacterial strains and what sort of culture counts would be considered sufficient or adequate?

Also Mentioned in This Episode

Yaktrax pro for running in the snow!


Interview with Elite Runner Camille Herron

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Camille Herron is an elite marathoner from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma. She has taken first place at 7 marathons –most recently the Rt. 66 Marathon in Tulsa.

Her marathon PR is 2:37!

She made it to the US Olympic Marathon trials in 2008 and 2012.

She also holds the Guinness record for the fastest female runner wearing a superhero costume. Dressed from head to toe as spider woman she finished in 2:48:51.

We had the chance to talk with Camille via Skype and ask her what life is like as a professional runner.

Here is what we discovered Continue Reading →


Fueling Questions with Steve Born from Hammer Nutrition

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Steve Born gives fueling seminars for Hammer Nutrition.

He is also an accomplished athlete holding two ultra marathon cycling records. This guy rides his bike 1,000 miles for the fun of it!

We asked Steve to give us a fueling overview. What should a runner do the week before, the morning of, during the race, and post-race?

Here is what he said . . . Continue Reading →


Interview with Marshall Ulrich

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Marshall Ulrich is a legendary endurance athlete. He has finished 124 ultra marathons, crossed Death Valley on foot 24 times, climbed to the summit of Everest, and taken on many other insane challenges.

At age 57 he ran across the United States -3,063 miles in 52 days. He is author of the book, Running on Empty – an ultramarathoner’s story of love, loss, and a record-setting run across America.

You can see him run across the USA in the video below Continue Reading →


How to Run a 100 Mile Ultramarathon – Interview with Eric Strand

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Eric Strand is a lean running machine. He has completed 35 marathons (including 5 Boston finishes). He ran the grueling Leadville Trail 100 Ultramarathon in 29:13:46. While training for this event he was able to raise over $14,000 for the Life and Hope Fund which helps cancer patients.

In this episode we talk with Eric about what it takes to run 100 miles in less than 30 hours. This interview uncovers the nuts and bolts of ultra endurance running. Trevor and I ask Eric about his training, pacing, fueling, support crew, and gear.

Best of all, we look at the mindset necessary for ultra-running. Even if you never plan on running 100 continuous miles this lesson in mental toughness will be beneficial for your running journey.

Click to see Eric’s video Continue Reading →


Interview with Ultramarathon Man Dean Karnazes

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Dean Karnazes has been named by Time Magazine as one of the “Top 100 Most Influential People in the World.”

I first heard of Dean Karnazes when a non-running family member gave me a copy of his book Ultra-Marathon Man: Confessions of an All Night Runner. They had read the book with great delight and knew that that I would enjoy it too. Dean has managed to impact the lives of runners and non-runners alike in the last twenty years as he takes on feats that most of us can’t even imagine.

In this episode we talk with Dean about his latest book Run!: 26.2 Stories of Blisters and Bliss

He gives some great advice for runners of all levels. Here is an excerpt of our conversation . . . Continue Reading →


How To Get A More Athletic Looking Body – Interview with Fitness Expert Ben Greenfield

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Ben does 15-20 triathlons a year. This means he is not unaccustomed to stripping down to Speedos to hit the water.

Lucky for him he’s tri-ripped (a ripped triathlete).

After perusing his website I (Trevor) see that once you are tri-ripped, you can pose for half of all photographs with your shirt off.

The last time I had my shirt off in public I spent all day sucking in my non tri-ripped stomach.

The problem is . . . even though I am in pretty good shape because of marathon training my muscles are concealed under a cozy blanket of fat.

The Skinny Fat Look

This happens when runners have a lot of fat deposits along the waistline (love handles, muffin tops, gut) yet skinny legs, arms, and chest. This skinny fat look stems from a combination of low amounts of muscle, a lot of aerobic training, and a high carb diet.

And after reading that last paragraph you never need to see me shirtless.

The Fit Fat Look

Ben describes this as a runner who is built more like a rugby player. The body has stored its fat in various places throughout the body and copious amounts of exercise can’t blast it away. That’s because the real problem is often a hormonal imbalance which needs to be diagnosed by a hormone specialist. Also, the fit fat runner is dealing with the same dietary and exercise imbalances of the skinny fat runner.

Where to Go From Here
I would love to be an endurance runner with a more athletic looking body. I want less body fat and more toned muscles. I want to rip my shirt off at the next family gathering and say, “Somebody call a veterinarian cus’ these puppies are sick!”

And if you are like me and are tired of being skinny fat or fit fat then listen to my take-a-ways from this episode. Three simple action steps. Continue Reading →