Author Archive | Trevor Spencer

Interview with Michael Wardian – Endurance Athlete Extraordinaire

Mike and his dad at the Hawk Indoor 50k

Mike and his dad at the Hawk Indoor 50k

[Audio Content Available For Members Only. Click Here to Join Now]

Michael Wardian is an accomplished marathoner and ultra-marathoner from Arlington VA. Last year he won the Big Sur Marathon and the Disney Dopey Challenge, but this is just the tip of the iceberg.

His most recent accomplishment was setting a new indoor 50k World Record at the Hawk Indoor 50k in Hagerstown, MD, finishing 250 laps in 3 hours, 6 minutes and 7 seconds. Continue Reading →


Interview with Dave Asprey -Biohacker and High Performance Coach

Dave_Asprey*[Audio Content Available For Members Only. Click Here to Join Now]

Dave Asprey is a Silicon Valley investor and technology entrepreneur who spent 15 years and over $300,000 to hack his own biology. 

Dave lost 100 pounds without counting calories or excessive exercise, used techniques to upgrade his brain by more than 20 IQ points, and lowered his biological age while learning to sleep more efficiently in less time.

He is the founder of The Bulletproof Executive company and has one of the top health and fitness podcasts in iTunes. Dave’s new book, THE BULLETPROOF DIET, is available now. Continue Reading →


MTA Podcast Featured on rounded up the 19 Best Health and Fitness Podcasts of All Time and guess who made the list!

From the article . . .

“The best takeaway from this podcast is the mondo dose of can-do attitude; it’s a feeling that lingers long after the theme music stops singing that you’re “well on your way.”

What an honor to be mentioned along with Jillian Michaels, Rich Roll, Able James, Dave Asprey, Ben Greenfield and other amazing podcasters.

Thank you @maritihart and the great team at!


Cyber Week Sale

cyberweek.001We are offering 1 Year Academy Membership at a reduced rate during our cyber week sale. The sale ends Thursday at 11:59 pm.

Sign up for the reduced rate and let us handle your training for next year’s races. Join our awesome online community and let us help you take your fitness to the next level.

Click here to learn more.


Interview with Vinnie Tortorich – Why Exercise is a Poor Way to Lose Weight

VinnieVinnie Tortorich is a Hollywood personal trainer and author of the book Fitness Confidential.

He has been a fitness trainer for over 30 years. Many of you will know him for advocating a no sugar no grains lifestyle. You can hear him on the Angriest Trainer Podcast found in iTunes and at

We brought Vinnie back on the show to talk about weight loss, clean eating, and answer questions sent in by Academy members.

I know you will love this interview! Continue Reading →


Interview with Nikolas Toocheck | Eleven-Year-Old Marathoner

photo credit: Nik's Facebook page

photo credit: Nik’s Facebook page

*Audio Content Available For Members Only. Click Here to Join Now

Nikolas Toocheck (age 11) is the youngest runner to complete a marathon on all seven continents.

He was inspired to start running when he witnessed his dad, Daniel Toocheck, cross the finish line at the NYC Marathon.

After completing a half marathon Nik noticed how much energy he still had left so he asked his parents if he could try running a full marathon.

Then he had the idea to run a marathon on all seven continents.

After checking with sports medicine doctors and pediatricians Nik’s parents decided to help him pursue his seven continent goal.

In September of 2014 he completed this goal setting a World Record at age 11 and raising over $40,000 for Operation Warm an organization that provides new coats to underprivileged children. Continue Reading →


Runner Academy Apologizes to MTA

You might have come here looking for the post “Runner Academy is Plagiarizing Our Content”. You can find it here.

Matt Johnson has offered the following apology.

I take responsibility for my actions. While I did not steal your content word for word I did structure it too similar. I modeled too much of what you did
and did add a substantial portion of my own spin to it. I could have done
better. Everyone deserves better. I let myself get too caught up in winning
and competition and I made some poor decisions. -Matt Johnson

While the evidence does show that Matt copied some of our content word for word, I am willing to accept this apology, and be done with this whole ordeal.

My hope is that we never have to deal with this again and can get back to helping people reach their running potential.

I appreciate all the support MTA has received over the last two days. You guys are awesome!

Happy Running,



Runner Academy is Plagiarizing Our Content!

iStock_000019637523LargeIt has been brought to my attention that another running coach, Matt Johnson of Runner Academy, has plagiarized and stolen content from MTA.

You may have seen the Runner Academy podcast in iTunes sometimes recommended next to ours. When Matt Johnson first came along I thought it was strange that his podcast imitated ours so closely.

The most obvious semblance is the use of “Academy” in his name but that’s not where the imitation stops. When his show first began, the format mimicked ours with welcoming new members and shout outs in the beginning, then the feature segment, and a quick tip at the end.

Coach Jeff Gaudette at has dealt with Matt Johnson plagiarizing his strength training course. You can read about it here: Runner Academy Stealing and Plagiarizing from RunnersConnect and Why it Matters to You. Both Coach Jeff and I have confronted Matt Johnson about this but he totally denies any wrong doing.

In this post I will document examples of how Matt has stolen our training content and conclude with some thoughts about why I have decided to make this public. Continue Reading →


Time Magazine Says Scientists Were Wrong About Fat

I'm really enjoying this issue of Time Magazine.

I’m really enjoying this issue of Time Magazine.

Bryan Walsh’s recent cover story in Time Magazine exposes the conspiracy to slander FAT in the last four decades of nutritional science.

In 1980, the year I was born (thought you might want to know that), the USDA published dietary guidelines that warned Americans to stay away from fats and cholesterol in order to reduce the risk of heart disease.

They advised Americans to cut back on meat consumption, stop drinking whole milk, and replace our traditional eggs and bacon with “healthy” grain-based cereals and low-fat milk.

Cholesterol was blamed for heart disease and foods high in fat were put on the hit list. Notice this Time Magazine cover from 1984.

But not everyone was convinced. Philip Handler is quoted as being skeptical about these guidelines from the very beginning calling it “a vast nutritional experiment”.

Well, this experiment has gone very badly.

According to Walsh the prevalace of Type 2 diabetes increased 166% from 1980 to 2012. More than a third of Americans are obese which makes us one of the fattest countries in the world (which country is fatter?).

And what’s ironic is that conventional wisdom told us that cutting fats out of our diet would help us lose weight. Cut fat to lose fat, they thought. Continue Reading →