Author Archive | Trevor Spencer

Marathon Success Story with Gregory Cheek -Maintaining Three Points of Contact

Greg running the Munich Marathon in Germany

Greg running the Munich Marathon in Germany

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Greg Cheek is a combat veteran who served in the US Air Force and as an officer in the United States Army.  He’s a college communications professor, motivation speaker, and author of the book Three Points of Contact -12.5 Ways to Jumpstart Your Life and Weather Any Storm.

Greg trained with us for his first half and full marathon in 2011-2012. At that time he was celebrating one year of being cancer free.

His enthusiasm is contagious . . . Continue Reading →


Interview with David Clark -From Self-Described Obese Alcoholic to Ultramarathoner

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David Clark is author of the book “Out There -A Story of Ultra Recovery”

He’s a Colorado runner who’s done some of the toughest ultramarathons in the U.S. -the Leadville Trail 100 and the Badwater 135.

He’s living proof that you can change your life through.

I met David at the Leadville Trail Marathon expo in Leadville, Colorado. When I saw his before and after picture I knew I had to read the book. Continue Reading →


Interview with Travis Macy – Ultra Runner, Adventurer, Author

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Travis Macy is a professional endurance athlete who has raced the toughest ultra marathons around the globe. He’s author of the new book The Ultra Mindset – An endurance champion’s 8 core principles for success in business, sports, and life.

He lives with his wife and children in the mountains of Colorado. Continue Reading →


Boston Marathon Q and A (race recap part 2)

Priceless expressions from cold and weary marathon finishers.

Priceless expressions from cold and weary marathon finishers.

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Hhere’s part two of our Boston Marathon Race Recap. In this episode you will hear my marathon montage as I spent the day walking around with a digital recorder much to Angie’s chagrin!

Our friend Jason Pina of Providence, RI, articulates what the Boston Marathon has meant to him.

Angie answers member questions about her race experience and how she trains.

See the pictures: Continue Reading →


The Ingredients of Success in Endurance and Life – Interview with Joe De Sena

Screen Shot 2015-03-23 at 11.33.13 AMpodcast-on-itunes-300x97[Audio Content Available For Members Only. Click Here to Join Now]

Joe De Sena once completed the Badwater 135, Lake Placid Ironman, and Vermont 100 miler in the same week.

He famously finished the 444 mile Iditarod dogsledding race on foot. (Yes people you read that correctly). He starts every morning with 300 burpees and a run then he hoses off with a cold shower JUST FOR FUN. 🙂

His legendary Death Race has taken the strongest human specimens and ground them to powder.

I’ve heard that Chuck Norris has a Joe De Sena lunch box. Continue Reading →


Q and A with Ben Greenfield

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Ben Greenfield reached out to us when we first started the MTA podcast five years ago. We have had him on the show every year since and he never fails to deliver great value to our listers. This episode is no exception!

In this interview you will hear him throw down tips on how runners can build muscular strength, obstacle racing mania, common mistakes he sees new runners make, nutritional misinformation, fueling for endurance, meditation, elevation training, chocolate milk, eating fruit post-exercise, drinking craft beer, and more!
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Interview with Sean Astin –Actor, Marathoner, and Creator of #RUN3rd

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Hey you guys! It’s Sean Astin star of The Goonies, Rudy, Lord of the Rings . . .

All favorite movies of mine.

As a kid I watched The Goonies a dozen times or more. I thought it was a true story. It’s not.

But what is a true story is how Sean has used running to recalibrate his health and fitness and reach greater levels of success.

In this interview you will hear all about Sean’s genesis as a runner, favorite running stories, and future marathon goals.

SPOILER ALERT: He’s working on a 50 State goal.

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Replay Episode! Never Limit Where Running Can Take You

At the Little Rock Marathon in 2011

At the Little Rock Marathon in 2011

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In this special 5 Year Anniversary episode we reach deep into the MTA vault and bring you one of our most popular and inspiring episodes from the early days. Here’s the backstory,

Rewind to 2011.

We just finished the Little Rock Marathon in Little Rock, Arkansas, our first race recap episode. This was my first half marathon. I was previously a total non-runner, desk potato.

Angie was building her fitness back after having a baby. Angie’s sister Autum Danzer (now Autum Haley) joined us to talk about running her first marathon and how it changed her life. The MTA podcast was only 32 episodes old.

Now I invite you to take a pictorial journey with us from that moment to this. And remember . . . Continue Reading →


Interview with Michael Wardian – Endurance Athlete Extraordinaire

Mike and his dad at the Hawk Indoor 50k

Mike and his dad at the Hawk Indoor 50k

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Michael Wardian is an accomplished marathoner and ultra-marathoner from Arlington VA. Last year he won the Big Sur Marathon and the Disney Dopey Challenge, but this is just the tip of the iceberg.

His most recent accomplishment was setting a new indoor 50k World Record at the Hawk Indoor 50k in Hagerstown, MD, finishing 250 laps in 3 hours, 6 minutes and 7 seconds. Continue Reading →


Interview with Dave Asprey -Biohacker and High Performance Coach

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Dave Asprey is a Silicon Valley investor and technology entrepreneur who spent 15 years and over $300,000 to hack his own biology. 

Dave lost 100 pounds without counting calories or excessive exercise, used techniques to upgrade his brain by more than 20 IQ points, and lowered his biological age while learning to sleep more efficiently in less time.

He is the founder of The Bulletproof Executive company and has one of the top health and fitness podcasts in iTunes. Dave’s new book, THE BULLETPROOF DIET, is available now. Continue Reading →