Author Archive | Trevor Spencer

Fat Adapted Protein Crepes

IMG_1897Here’s another recipe straight from Angie’s Fat Adapted Eating Plan where you learn to burn your fat as fuel!

Just because you cut out grains and added sugars doesn’t mean you can’t eat the foods you love.

These protein crepes are delicious at breakfast or any meal (especially topped with strawberries and fat adapted whipped cream) . . .

And once you teach your body to live without added sugar, these crepes make an excellent treat for dessert.

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Video Reveals Why Being Fat Adapted Rocks!

Yes!!! Angie’s Fat Adapted Eating Plan is live!

Here’s a video that shows you what it means to become a fat adapted runner; three huge benefits to cutting sugars and grains out of your diet.

Angie shares the breakthrough she and I have had in our health and fitness and how you too can enjoy more energy for running and doing the activities you love, fewer sugar cravings, fewer mid-day energy crashes, and the secret to losing fat without counting calories or exercising your butt off.

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Healthy Fats for Marathoners

alvacado - small












We are getting ready to launch Angie’s Fat Adapted Eating Plan -Burn Fat as Fuel. This plan has revolutionized the way fuel for marathons and eat in our every day lives. (I’ve had to get new pants because I went from a size 36 to a 32!)

Here’s a quick look at the healthy fats you will want to keep on hand if you want to become a fat adapted runner. Continue Reading →


How to Run a Sub-Four Hour Marathon (Fat Adapted Version)

Awkward photo alert:  Trev at the Myrtle Beach Marathon photo credit:

Awkward photo alert: Trev at the Myrtle Beach Marathon
photo credit:

Last year I wrote a post called “How I Ran a Sub-Four Hour Marathon”.

You can see it here. Amazingly, this little post has continued to generate high numbers of visitors every month.

Well ladies and gentleman, I have broken the 4:00 barrier again! (spontaneous cheering ignites all over the world wide web).

I ran 3:56:35 in Myrtle Beach.

I’m not setting any speed records to be sure. I’m just a middle of the pack runner. At my age I would need to clock a 3:05 to qualify for Boston! Ha, ha, ha . . .

Nevertheless, breaking 4 hours for the second time feels really good. Especially after running a miserable 4:53:23 at the Rocket City Marathon in December. (Let’s not talk about that race).

The cool part about running sub-four this time is that I did not carry a boat load of fuel. What did I carry? Nothing but my fat baby! (sort of).

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Going Beyond Training to Master Your Fitness – Interview with Ben Greenfield


Ben Greenfield participating in a high fat low carb performance study

Ben Greenfield participating in a high fat low carb performance study

In this episode we talk with nutrition expert and triathlete Ben Greenfield about going beyond training to master your endurance.

Ben talks with us about being a fat adapted runner and answers nutrition questions from the listening audience.

You will hear questions and answers about his new book Beyond Training, the benefit of fat adaption for endurance athletes, the best way to become fat-adapted, what to do about an under active thyroid, snacks that fill you up without causing weight gain, what type of diet his kids eat, preventing heart & coronary disease, and the question of whether supplements provide a clear benefit.

But Wait There’s More!
We got exclusive permission to post content from chapter 13 of Beyond Training -the chapter entitled “How Much Carbohydrate, Protein, and Fat You Need to Stay Lean, Stay Sexy, and Perform Like a Beast”.

I asked him for this chapter because it deals specifically with high fat low-carb diets. As far as I know, we are the only website on the internet where you can read this content for free! (yes, we feel special) Continue Reading →


I Biffed It – Taking a Tumble While Running!

Not to happy about tripping over this!

Not to happy about tripping over this!

Face it, if you run enough you are going to take a tumble.

If you run on trails the probability of falling goes up exponentially.

It happened to me for the first time about 4 days ago. I was speeding through a 5 mile trail run on a nice leafy path. During the final downhill section a root stub sticking out of ground about 2 inches caught my left foot. I immediately went horizontal.

If you could rewind the tape and play it in slow motion you would see the following: Continue Reading →


High Fat, Low-Carbohydrate Diets | Interview with Dr. Tim Noakes [part 2]

Tim Noakes*Audio Content Available For Members Only. Click Here to Join Now

Many runners have experienced this frustration . . . no matter how much you run it doesn’t seem to have a dramatic effect on your weight loss.

Speaking from his personal experience of having completed over 70 marathons and ultra marathons Dr. Noakes writes,

“In forty-one years of running I have learnt that the numerous benefits of exercise do not include any sustained effects on weight loss.” -Challenging Beliefs, Kindle version

We have all heard the conventional formula for losing weight: (1) eat less (2) exercise more.

But when you step back and think about this model a cruel irony settles in . . . Continue Reading →


Giving Thanks for Running – Stories from Real People Who Have Transformed Their Lives Through Running

*Audio Content Available For Members Only. Click Here to Join Now

Hi Folks, Angie came up with a great idea while out on a run one morning, “Let’s do a special Thanksgiving episode that’s all about why we are thankful for running”.

So we solicited running stories from our audience and the response was great. You are going to hear from people who have lost 100+ pounds, busted through depression, took control of their health and positively redefined themselves.

  • Special thanks to: Lea, Melissa, Jim, Omar, Kate, Corinne, Glynda, Ed, Foti, Nicole, and Anna for sending in their inspiring running stories!

My Transformation
I also talk about my own running journey which roughly began in 2010. Thanks to Angie’s guidance I went from desk potato to marathoner.

I hated running. Building up to my first 5k was slow and torturous. But my body adapted!

Below you will find a side by side comparison of what I looked like before and after becoming a runner. I didn’t start running in order to lose weight but, as you can see, running has taken off 20 pounds of fat. Continue Reading →


Guest Post on the MTA Blog!

Hi folks, here’s something for you creative runners interested in sharing your knowledge and experience with our community. We are putting a call out for new content contributors to our blog. The content should be relevant to marathon training and be helpful to our readers.

Click here to see how to apply