Author Archive | Angie Spencer

Shoe Rotation During Marathon Training

When I was training for my first marathon I only used one pair of shoes and struggled on a number of levels. Since that time I’ve seen the value in rotating through different types of shoes in training.

I definitely advise runners to have at least two different types of shoes in your rotation and there seems to be evidence to back this up.

Here is what the research seems to say on this topic and some bonus tips on how to prolong the life of your running shoes.

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A Look at How We Are Training for Our Next Marathon

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In this episode we give you an inside look at our training for the London Marathon, what we’ve been doing and how it’s working.

This will be marathon #57 for me and I’m experimenting with higher mileage.

Plus, I’ll explain what I’m doing for strength training and what my morning routine looks like (which is quite the contrast to Trevor’s routine).

And in this episode’s quick tip we feature a listener question about rotating shoes during training. Continue Reading →


Some Help With Chafing

During the Juneau Marathon this past summer I totally forgot to apply anti-chafe ointment (you’d think after 50+ marathons I’d remember) and I got the most hellacious chafing under one arm.

By mile 20 I was running with my arms held away from my body like wings.

Unfortunately the race didn’t have much in the way of support and there wasn’t a spot to stop and glob some petroleum jelly on the area. Continue Reading →


How to Stay Marathon Ready

Many runners I know do about two marathons per year -usually one in the spring and one in the fall. But what about adding in a couple more impromptu marathons?

Here is a great question we received from a runner who wants to be able to jump into a marathon at the last minute.

In the following post I share tips on how to go from one race to the next without injuring yourself. Continue Reading →


Experiencing “Phantom Pain” During Marathon Training

Have you ever found yourself obsessing over little aches and pains as you get closer to race day? It’s not uncommon.

Here is a question from a reader wanting me to explain phantom pain in more detail. Happy to help!

I remember one time you talked about phantom pain. Can you explain it again? I’m almost positive I’ve been suffering from it. Thanks Brittany

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A Question About Heel Pain

Here is a question we received from a runner named Bill who is dealing with heel pain. I had an unpleasant bout of heel pain last summer when I ran the Juneau Marathon. When I got back home I was able to find a treatment that helped me to complete fix my heel pain (knock on wood) and I was able to run the Loch Ness Marathon without any issue. I’m happy to pass along what worked for me. Continue Reading →


How To Avoid “Bonking” in a Race

Here’s an important question we received about bonking -that dreaded feeling when your body refuses to cooperate and no matter how much further you have to run your legs just feel like lead.

Hi Angie, My question is: Can you please recommend some tactics to deal with bonking at a race or even during a long run? I was lucky that Coach Athena’s training plan really worked for me at the Chicago marathon and I didn’t bonk a single moment. But I fear that I may run into a ‘wall’ in the future, as I have experienced during a couple of long training runs before, when I had to stop for a really long time before I could run again. Aside from repeating some personal mantras, what can one do to quickly get the legs moving again? Many thanks, Vicky

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Taking Action and Setting Big Goals in Running and Life!

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The beginning of the year is definitely a great time to set aside space for self reflection, both on the year gone by and the year stretching ahead. This can help you stay the course or correct your course.

In this episode we want to offer you two simple but powerful tips for making 2019 an epic year. Plus, we are going to be sharing a lot of books with you. So get ready to channel your inner student!

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