Archive | Success Story

Shoutout to MTA Coaching

Here is a nice FB post from Academy member Anissa W. about the progress she made working with her MTA Coach. ❤️

“Today is the last day of my coaching with Coach Dominique Hamel and I wanted to share my MTA coaching experience.

I signed up with her about 15 months ago because I was scared of hurting myself because I had no idea what to do to train for my first full marathon. She not only got me through my first marathon injury free, she also helped me transition from run/walk to just running.

After that first marathon I wanted to do another and I wasn’t ready to give up my coaching, so she coached me through a second marathon. Then my husband signed us up for the Dopey Challenge at Disney and she coached me through that too. It’s been quite a journey Coach!! Three full marathons and 2 half marathons and numerous 5ks.

Thank you for being a part of it! If anyone is considering coaching I would highly recommend it and I especially recommend Coach Dom.” 💙🏃🏼‍♀️ -Anissa W.


3:12:02 Marathon at Age 51

This is an awesome email I received from a coaching client who just ran the Indianapolis Monumental Marathon last weekend.

“I coached myself for 17 years–and thought I was pretty good at it over the course of 3 marathons and 30+ half marathons. However, using an free online training plan for the marathon through the winter, I ended up with a 3:29 marathon at the end of March this year–well shy of the 3:25 qualifying time for a 51 year old male. And, of course, the actual time for entry needed is even faster. I made some adjustments and ran a second in mid-May, only to finish feeling weak, dizzy and in pain with a time of 3:33!

However, in just 3 months, Coach Joel helped me deliver a 17 minute PR in the Indianapolis Monumental Marathon and guaranteed me a place in the 2021 Boston Marathon with a 3:12:02. I must admit there were times my neighbors must have thought I was losing my faculties. Like when I was skipping backward down the sidewalk rotating my arms wildly clockwise and then counter clockwise. Or, how about running all out for 70 meters and then just standing there stock still for 2 mins and 45 seconds before repeating?! Yes, there are some seemingly crazy drills, but Coach Joel clearly knew what he was doing!! Continue Reading →


Flying Through a World Marathon Challenge with MTA

The duties associated with being a pilot are challenging. The training requirements for running a marathon also are challenging.

“There are frequently unexpected schedule changes daily because of weather or maintenance issues,” says United Express Airlines pilot and four-time marathoner Courtney Schoch. “Unfortunately, training runs or workouts are usually the first thing that gets eliminated because sleep is the top priority when I get to the hotel on a short overnight. Pilots must be well rested and alert in order to perform our job safely.”  

For Schoch, her running journey started with an impromptu jog on a trail. She has always been healthy, took precautions and ate healthy. Then a phone call delivered a dose of reality. Continue Reading →


Marathon Success Story with Dr. Jon Lepley

*[Audio Content Available For Members Only. Click Here to Join Now]

In this episode we bring you a marathon success story with Academy member Jon Lepley who after a life-long struggle with addiction decided to run a marathon at the age of 40 and well . . . you will just have to hear what happened next!

And in the quick tip segment, Angie will explain how to intelligently gauge your response to training so you know if what you’re doing is working.

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The road to Boston is paved with MTA coaching

A couple of years ago during a business trip, I went to see the Boston Marathon finish line. I did not step on or pass the famous blue and yellow street decoration. I will run through it at another time, I told myself.

I repeated the same scenario last summer during a family vacation to Boston. At that time, I was going through a mix of emotions. I felt confident that my qualifying time from the November 2017 Indianapolis Monumental Marathon would be strong enough to get me into the 2019 race.

However, on that Boston trip, I was only a month out from emergency abdominal surgery. I had not been cleared to resume full activities at that time. Gentle jogging was as hard core as I was able to get at that point. Would I be able to regain the speed, endurance and fitness that I had developed since I began running in 2011? Would I still find the joy in the struggle? Would I still answer the alarm at oh-dark-thirty for training?

It did not take me long to answer my own questions. Continue Reading →


Epic Weekend for Academy Members 🙌

Big congrats to Bill Drinkward on running 3:18:47 at the Vancouver Marathon last weekend!!

He writes, “Many thanks to Coach Dominique Hamel for the guidance I needed to successfully score a massive PR of over 6 minutes and a BQ as well. I nearly lost my A-goal when the 3:20 pace Bunny snuck up on me with only 7k to go. I resolved then to fight off that bunny all the way to the finish. I just asked myself then, “how bad do you want it?” And thought about all those training runs to even put me in this position. I ran steadily and hard all the way to the finish and crossed the line at 3:18:47. Vancouver Marathon is an awesome course with fantastic volunteer and crowd support. I highly recommend the experience.”

More Shoutouts Continue Reading →


What Happens When You Take Action

Here is a wonderful note we received from a client Angie worked with named Elliot Shelton who ran a PR at the CIM Marathon in December. I love this story because he took bold massive action and wasn’t afraid to set higher goals.

Dear Angie, I wanted to take a moment to thank you and Trevor for the incredible difference you’ve made in my life. About 3 1/2 years ago, I was unhappy with the direction my life was headed. I was about 30 lbs overweight, had not exercised regularly in years, and had few interests outside of work.
I decided to take action. I started a couch to 5k plan and a month later decided to set my goals higher and I committed to running the San Francisco Marathon the following year (without really knowing what I was getting myself into). Continue Reading →


Doctor Said He’d Never Run Again

Here’s a note we received a couple days ago from an Academy member named Pat McCain who has been a long time supporter of the MTA podcast and inspiration to us. If your doctor says you will never run again please go get a second and third opinion!

Pat McCain with fellow MTA’er Debbie Gelber at the Texas Marathon

“Hi Trevor and Angie,

After almost two years struggling with injury, and after a doctor told me I’d never run again, I just finished the Texas Marathon on New Years Day. Thanks to you and the MTA community for being a part of my comeback–y’all have taught me how to train, cross-train, fuel, pace, and stay on top of the mental game that enables all of us to run safely and do much more than we ever think possible. I did a 3:00 run/:30 walk to a 4:35 finish. I crossed the finish line stronger than ever and injury free.

Thanks for all the encouragement from you and our MTA family!” -Pat


A Big Audacious Goal!

Andrew Lorenzo has carved out a big audacious marathon goal for himself.

The goal — a 2:40 finishing time — is a nearly two-hour improvement from his only previous one at the Melbourne Marathon, which he completed in October 2018.

But it represents so much more. It represents his escape from a difficult time in his life when he struggled with severe eating disorders.

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Another Great Weekend in MTA Land!

Jennifer Oellerich conquered the CIM Marathon, her first.

We love seeing the stories come back from runs and races over the weekend.

Below you will see reports from runners who completed the California International Marathon (CIM), as well as the Orlando Half, Chattanooga 50, the San Antonio Rock ‘n’ Roll, and other races.

CIM in Sacramento was especially good to our runners. This is race is known for its flat fast course and is a good place to run a PR. Academy member Tom Wills ran a sub 3 hour marathon there -which is an amazing feat especially after age 40!!

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From the New York City Marathon with Love

This is a race report sent in by Academy member Logan Collier who improved her time by 30 minutes over her last marathon. The story captures the excitement of the NYC Marathon.

“Here’s a recap of my NYC Marathon experience…

Firstly: I’m amazed at how organized everything is. Seeing ALL those runners gave me a real appreciation for the logistical challenges of putting on an event of this size and scope. There were so many volunteers!! Makes me want to come back and volunteer.
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Now Officially a Marathoner!

This is a report from Academy Member Jennifer Ernst who ran her first marathon last weekend at the Indianapolis Monumental. This post illustrates the beautiful struggle of the last 10 miles of a marathon and how she successful kept herself going.

“I am so, SO excited to share that I am now officially a marathoner!! My goal was to finish in 4:30 or less, but I managed to eek out a finishing time of 4:18:19. I could NOT have done this without all of the amazing, encouraging and supportive people of MTA.

I had more encouraging texts, messages and well-wishes than I ever dreamed I would have and each and every one helped me. I will try to keep this as brief as possible, but many have asked for my recap, so here goes!” Continue Reading →