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5 Strategies to Help You Break Your Running Records

Published on June 22, 2023

Is running a sport and activity that you feel passionate about? Do you consider yourself a serious runner in that you track your milestones and goals? If so, there’s no doubt you’re well aware of what your personal bests are. So, what if you want to push yourself further and break your current running records? It’s not an impossible task; in fact, with the right tips and strategies, this is a highly attainable goal to have. Here are five strategies that can help you break your running records. Continue Reading →

Best Workout Tips To Improve Muscular and Cardiovascular Endurance

It’s perfectly fine to work out and train at your own pace. But once your body gets used to it, you must learn to go past the beginner’s stage. Note that doing the same activity all the time can lead to plateau and demotivation. Your body adapts to the daily workload but may stop responding unless you change your workout routine or activity level. Continue Reading →