Running was the furthest thing from Nicole Hart’s mind until her mid-20s. She started running at age 26 when she met her Army husband.
“He was really fit and active and I decided I wanted to be that too,” says Hart.
But her “why” goes deeper than that. Much deeper.
When she was in nursing school, Hart experienced tachycardia symptoms, and was diagnosed with Wolffe-Parkinson White Syndrome. After seeing a cardiologist, she had the problem surgically corrected by ablation at age 24. Continue Reading →
We all have the tendency to imagine that a future version of ourselves will be more disciplined than the present version of ourselves. Why is that?
Studies have been done in which people were asked if they would rather have fruit or cake one week from now. They usually say “fruit”. But a week later, when a slice of chocolate cake is offered along with an apple, test subjects were more statistically likely to go for the cake.
This is called Present Bias, the belief that what we want now isn’t the same thing you will want later. The future version of ourselves that we imagine always has more willpower and a flatter stomach than the present actual version.
Author David McRaney says, “When you are making plans your better angels point to the nourishing choices, but in the moment you go for what tastes good”.
The trick is to realize that you can only control the now you. Make the future you thankful for the action that the present you takes.
This could mean signing up for your first marathon or half marathon, hiring a coach, joining a yoga class, or cutting out sugar from your diet.
You’d be amazed by what your future self can become! This video explains how our MTA coaches help runners go from the present version of themselves to a stronger, faster, more confident version. Continue Reading →
Here is a wonderful note we received from a client Angie worked with named Elliot Shelton who ran a PR at the CIM Marathon in December. I love this story because he took bold massive action and wasn’t afraid to set higher goals.
Dear Angie, I wanted to take a moment to thank you and Trevor for the incredible difference you’ve made in my life. About 3 1/2 years ago, I was unhappy with the direction my life was headed. I was about 30 lbs overweight, had not exercised regularly in years, and had few interests outside of work.
I decided to take action. I started a couch to 5k plan and a month later decided to set my goals higher and I committed to running the San Francisco Marathon the following year (without really knowing what I was getting myself into). Continue Reading →
Here is an email we received recently from a coaching client named Gordon Pape -an architect from Toronto who completed the 2018 Chicago Marathon in 4:26:37 at the age of 58.
This kind of feedback is what get’s us fired up here at MTA! If you are considering hiring a running coach, perhaps this letter will give you an under-the-hood look at the coach/client relationship. Continue Reading →
At Mile 18 of the Berlin Marathon in September, Mitch Goldstein came up with a new mantra to keep plowing forward: “There is no wall.”
“It seemed like it fit well in Berlin especially and it mostly worked, just not quite enough,” says Goldstein, who ran just barely over 3:30 in the race.
Goldstein, who ran in high school and for the last nine years consistently, has worked through various mental walls and hurdles thanks to his experience, dedication and the power of the Marathon Training Academy (MTA). Continue Reading →
Thanks to Vicky for the nice shoutout to MTA Coaching! Training in the heat and humidity always makes things more complicated but she is putting in the work and gaining strength and confidence in preparation for the Chicago Marathon. 💪
Running helped her overcome a traumatic childhood. Now, she gives back and motivates her clients.
By Henry Howard
Describing her childhood as “pretty traumatic,” Athena Farias found her escape through running.
When she was age 5, she considered herself to be all alone in the world. Farias says her parents were set to physically harm one another. She vividly recalls seeing her mom trying to shoot her father, and another time when he held a knife to her mother’s throat.
Farias was kidnapped briefly during a custody battle. And suffered sexual abuse as a child.
At age 12, Farias decided to go for a run, a decision that would be life-changing and life-affirming. “Running was my drug of choice at that time in my life and I am so thankful that I chose it.”
Immediately, she felt a sense of calm amid her chaotic life.
“I was gone for an hour or so and when I got back home I felt in control, empowered and at peace,” she recalls. “I knew that I could get through what life had handed me. Let’s just say it was my safe haven and I am here today because of running.” Continue Reading →
Huge contrasts to one of our coaching clients Marty Gardner on his massive PR at the Snickers Marathon!!
“Hello MTA Family! Just wanted to give an update from my race today. It was my 2nd marathon. My 1st was January 7th this year at Disney. My time was 4:59:45. I learned that I was not properly prepared mentally or physically even though I trained with an online Disney plan for 28 weeks.
After about 2 weeks of recovery, I signed up with MTA coaching in mid January (I have been listening to the podcasts since early in my training) and started working with Coach Lynn Grieger. I signed up for the Snickers Marathon in Albany, GA which I ran today.
I had exactly 6 weeks of training with coach Lynn. my A goal was 4:30. Actually I changed it to 4:29 to beat Oprah’s time. Well I didn’t quite reach my A goal, but I PR’d by over 23 minutes with only 6 weeks of coaching. My time was 4:36:41.
I am so excited to see what Coach Lynn and I can achieve with a full training plan. I have half marathons scheduled in 3 weeks and again in late April, and look forward to those and to crushing my A goal in my Fall marathon whichever one I decide to do. I’m already committed to doing Dopey Challenge next January.
I also listened to the greatest hits episode on the way down last night about mental toughness and it helped me tremendously to deal with leg cramps in my last few miles. Thanks Trevor, Angie, and Coach Lynn!” -Marty Gardner
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Welcome to the Marathon Training Academy Podcast where we empower you to take your running to the next level!
In this podcast episode we cover an array of questions from our community about base building, tight hip flexors, black toenails, what to do if you are under-trained on race day, hamstring pain, fuel and fuel belts, anti-inflammatories, treadmill recommendations and more things that inquiring runners want to know! Continue Reading →
Sometimes we complain about the cold but here is better way to think about running in winter . . .
This shoutout was posted on LinkedIn by one of our coaching clients, Kathy LeMay from Massachusetts (where it gets really cold!).
“Thanks to Coach Jennifer and MTA I’ve kept to my running plan designed by Jen in “feels like -11″, snow squalls and with an ice-covered face. I’ve been given the tools, tips and strategies to stay strong, safe and healthy. They’ve reminded me how lucky I am to be able to run, to absorb winter’s quiet, see roads I would not have traveled and meet neighbors I wouldn’t otherwise have met.
I’ve benefitted from the kindness of drivers who’ve seen me coming down winding roads and who’ve given me a little extra space (it means so much) and grateful for the waves from mail carriers, UPS and Fed Ex delivery drivers and the good folks fixing phone lines and downed wires. And, I’ve literally been stopped in my tracks by frozen waterfalls, sheets of ice trying to break and move down rivers, and the Earth in hibernation.
Here’s to the coaches who help us see that which has always been there: our potential and the world around us.” -Kathy LeMay