Archive | Coaching

An epic six weeks!

Congrats to our coaching client Chad Brager on his epic six weeks of racing and testing his endurance!

In 6 weeks he completed 3 marathons, 3 half marathons, a Spartan Beast, a sprint triathlon, multiple virtual races including a trail 12K, and OrangeTheory Hell Week.

“I am having some reflective moments . . . and looking back at it, I really cannot believe what I did in October-November. I am not sure I will ever be able to match the sheer intensity and volume of racing that I did over these last 6 weeks ever again.

I want to cry, I am so happy. I thought I would be hating life and want to quit racing after this. I imagined being burnt out. None of it happened. I feel better than I ever have. I am tired, and sore, but I enjoy that feeling. Thanks, MTA Coach Lynn!”

See his list of races . . . Continue Reading →


One of the best days of my life . . .

Congrats to MTA coaching client Julia Smith on earning a 58 minute PR at the New York City Marathon yesterday!!🤩

“Today was one of the best days of my life. 4:12:49 at the 50th New York City Marathon and in no small part thanks to MTA Coach Lynn! This was a PR of over 58 minutes (!!!) from my first marathon in February.

I truly had no idea what I was doing before coaching and came to her saying I hoped I could run New York in 4:30-4:45! Well obviously that goal was smashed AND my body feels ten times better than it did the first time.

Whether you run, walk, or crawl, you MUST put the NYC marathon on your bucket list. Strangers were screaming my name the entire 26.2 miles and I don’t think I stopped smiling once. Thank you MTA- I truly ran a marathon and changed my life!” -Julia


“Can’t wait to see what else I can accomplish!”

Here’s is a wonderful email from Emily, a MTA coaching client, who just completed her first marathon. Congrats Emily on your success!

“Dear MTA, I’ve been listening to the MTA podcast for about 5 years now. Always inspired by the recaps and never really thought I could be a success story due to the fact that training for a 10k or even a 5k would always end up with me developing some sort of injury.

I always wanted to be a runner but I was never consistent enough- I would get discouraged then come back to it every few months. After many failed attempts at trying to train on my own, I bit the bullet and contacted MTA for help. Now today I am proud to say that I am a success story!

I wanted to express my gratitude for having me paired with MTA Coach Antonio to help me get through my first marathon. I was able to show up and successfully complete the 2021 Chicago Marathon injury free! I have gone through so many ups and downs these past few months and Coach Antonio has been nothing but supportive and informative through all of it.

He drew up a training plan that was suitable for me. It was not overwhelming and he really built my confidence up that made me truly believe that I can do hard things! Thank you soooo much again, MTA!!! Running the Chicago Marathon has truly changed my life . . . I can’t wait to see what else I can accomplish!!” Regards, Emily Novak Continue Reading →


What about speedwork for half marathon training?

Coach Nicole answers a question about speedwork and internal training. Learn more about MTA Coaching here:

I started running about 10 years ago at the age of 40. (Late bloomer). I’ve always been slow-ish. My best half-marathon time is 2:20. How can I get faster? I know all the buzz words like intervals and tempo runs. But what does that look like when I’m running around my neighborhood or local park? Sprint from mailbox to mailbox? Watch my Garmin the whole time? I guess I’m looking for home grown suggestions that are easy to follow. Linda


A Better, Happier Runner!

Here’s a nice email from a client named Suzanne who earned an 8 minute PR at the Atlanta Half Marathon.

“I wanted to email MTA to thank Coach Lynn for her help in my recent PR in the Atlanta half marathon.

Last year when races were canceled, Coach Lynn put together a program to help me become a stronger and faster runner. After I ran a faster (for me) than expected virtual Peachtree 10K on Thanksgiving, we talked about my goals for 2021. She told me that a half-marathon under 2 hours was in reach for me; my previous half in November 2019 was 2:07.

She continued to encourage me in the next couple of months of training and never bought in to my concerned emails about reasons 2 hours was going to be too difficult for me.

On the big day I found that I was able to hold the needed pace for the entire time, and by mile 8 I knew I would be successful. I crossed the finish line at 1:58.55, 8 minutes faster than my previous PR!

Coach Lynn’s upbeat attitude and encouragement really made the difference in enabling me to reach a goal that I thought would be in the distant future for me. Thanks to Coach Lynn and MTA for all your help in making me a better, happier runner!” -Suzanne

Learn more about MTA Coaching here


Shoutout to Coach Lynn

Here’s a nice comment from a client of Coach Lynn, one of the awesome coaches here at MTA. Congrats Jenn on your success!

Shout out for MTA and Coach Lynn Grieger specifically! I’ve been working with her for about a year now and I know I can be difficult and non-compliant but Coach Lynn has been nothing but patient and kind.

On top of that, she has gotten me from run/walking 30 seconds/1 minute to running non-stop and from a 16:30 minute mile (on a good day) to my current 13:30 mile. I’ve also lost 42 pounds! And all of this has been through illness, injury, and while working as a frontline healthcare worker during a pandemic.

I’ve been a listener to the podcast from the beginning and have been through many ups and downs physically and emotionally. This podcast and this MTA family has been such a positive force in my life, showing me that I can do hard things (thanks Angie ❤). -Jenn Greenly December 15th 2020

Continue Reading →


First Marathon at the Age of 50

Congrats to Academy member Deb from Alaska, who is coached by MTA Coach Kristen, on finishing the Hatcher’s Pass Marathon! This was her first marathon and 4,000ft of elevation gain!

“I just wanted to give a quick thankyou for the great pod-cast and the services you provide through your coaching. I was able to finish my first marathon at the age of 50 with the help of Coach Kristen. I could not have done it without her help and the great tips you provide with the pod-cast! Thanks for helping me accomplish something I have wanted to accomplish for many years. One bucket-list item marked off!” -Deb

See what coaching can do for you.


The Difference 4 Months Can Make

Here’s a wonderful email we received from a coaching client named Margaret who worked with MTA Coach Dominique.

What follows is a quick note to Angie and I followed by Margaret’s last email to her coach sharing what she learned from her in just 4 months of personal coaching.

Dear Angie and Trevor,

I wanted to send you a note of thanks for your help over the last few years. I started running at age 48 (I’m 57 now). I really didn’t know what I was doing. One day my son-in-law told me about a postcast, MTA, and now I’ve listened to every episode.

Anyway, the reason I’m writing now is that I want to send to you my last check in letter to Coach Dom (I copied it below). I was scared to get a coach (I’m too old, too slow …), but I am so glad I did. She is so great and I want you to know how much her coaching has helped me.

Stay Well and Happy, Margaret Eggleston

Dear Coach Dom,

I want to thank you for your support these last four months. I ran more and pushed myself farther than I thought I could. I am disappointed that it didn’t end in the Big Sur race, but I know that I’ve learned and grown a lot. I wanted to list some of the positive growth, so that I can remember and plan new goals for myself.

I am running without muscle cramps (remember January and February, ugh!).
I ran 116.5 miles in February! I didn’t even realize it until way later.
I am able to run longer without walk breaks.
I can run faster.
I like interval training!
I ran a half marathon by myself and got a PR!
I acquired skills that I can use in the future (drills, exercises, stretches).

I’ve enjoyed hearing from you and learning about your running journey too. I hope that you will be able to run 2 Oceans next year. I will run Big Sur in November. I’ll let you know how it goes.

Thank you again. I will miss our weekly notes.

Margaret Eggleston


Shoutout to MTA Coaching

Here is a nice FB post from Academy member Anissa W. about the progress she made working with her MTA Coach. ❤️

“Today is the last day of my coaching with Coach Dominique Hamel and I wanted to share my MTA coaching experience.

I signed up with her about 15 months ago because I was scared of hurting myself because I had no idea what to do to train for my first full marathon. She not only got me through my first marathon injury free, she also helped me transition from run/walk to just running.

After that first marathon I wanted to do another and I wasn’t ready to give up my coaching, so she coached me through a second marathon. Then my husband signed us up for the Dopey Challenge at Disney and she coached me through that too. It’s been quite a journey Coach!! Three full marathons and 2 half marathons and numerous 5ks.

Thank you for being a part of it! If anyone is considering coaching I would highly recommend it and I especially recommend Coach Dom.” 💙🏃🏼‍♀️ -Anissa W.


3:12:02 Marathon at Age 51

This is an awesome email I received from a coaching client who just ran the Indianapolis Monumental Marathon last weekend.

“I coached myself for 17 years–and thought I was pretty good at it over the course of 3 marathons and 30+ half marathons. However, using an free online training plan for the marathon through the winter, I ended up with a 3:29 marathon at the end of March this year–well shy of the 3:25 qualifying time for a 51 year old male. And, of course, the actual time for entry needed is even faster. I made some adjustments and ran a second in mid-May, only to finish feeling weak, dizzy and in pain with a time of 3:33!

However, in just 3 months, Coach Joel helped me deliver a 17 minute PR in the Indianapolis Monumental Marathon and guaranteed me a place in the 2021 Boston Marathon with a 3:12:02. I must admit there were times my neighbors must have thought I was losing my faculties. Like when I was skipping backward down the sidewalk rotating my arms wildly clockwise and then counter clockwise. Or, how about running all out for 70 meters and then just standing there stock still for 2 mins and 45 seconds before repeating?! Yes, there are some seemingly crazy drills, but Coach Joel clearly knew what he was doing!! Continue Reading →