Author Archive | Trevor Spencer

My Calf Muscles are Ripping Apart – And Other Strange Fixations

Lately I have been haunted by a strange sensation in my calves. It feels like a small electrical spark under my skin. I can’t say that it is a sharp or deep pain . . . just a mild twinge now and again.

My brain had me convinced that my calf muscles were ripping apart. Maybe these strange twinges were microscopic tears? Maybe my muscle fibers were cleaving with each awkward foot strike?

Soon I was running on my tip-toes in order to save my calves from utter ruin.

I’ve heard of runners who rupture a ligament and hit the pavement face first. Everything is fine then all of a sudden “snap”! Perhaps it was about to happen to me!

Plausible explanation don’t you think? Continue Reading →


Confessions of a Lazy Runner

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In this podcast episode Angie interrogates me about my training for the Little Rock Half Marathon.

Many of you know that I am a new runner. The furthest I have ever run is 10 miles, reluctantly.

I am taking on the half marathon challenge to prove to myself that I have what it takes. And because I think it will be a cool thing to brag about to my co-workers.

Here are my startling revelations from the first six weeks of my training Continue Reading →