Choose Strong: Interview with Sally McRae

In this episode we speak with Sally McRae -a professional mountain runner, mother of two, and author of the book ‘Choose Strong -The Choice That Changes Everything’.

Links Mentioned in this Episode

MetPro Metabolic Coaching -speak with a Metabolic Expert about your goals and get actionable steps toward fueling for performance, losing weight, adding muscle, or changing your body composition. Get $500 off with our link!

Joint Health PLUS® by Previnex -our top recommended joint supplement for runners. Save 15% with code MTA

The Drury Hotels -get 15% off your stay at any of their 150 locations!

Choose Strong book by Sally McCrae

Sally McCrae Instagram and Youtube Channel

2 Responses to Choose Strong: Interview with Sally McRae

  1. Liz June 21, 2023 at 10:51 am #

    So awesome!! Loved the podcast and the documentary! Such insights into the midset – I will definitely remember these in my training and next ultra.

    • Trevor Spencer June 26, 2023 at 12:33 pm #

      Thanks for listening!

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