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Angelo Poli is an expert on helping athletes understand their body’s metabolism. In this interview he answers questions about why the metabolic rate is a moving target, why diets stop working, periodization, cheat days, meal prep tips for busy people and much more!
His new ebook called The Science to Transform is something you can get for free when you visit www.metpro.co/bookmta . It’s an easy read that provides valuable help to anyone seeking to change their body composition.
Interview with Angelo Poli
I’ve been working with Coach Natalie on Angelo’s team for the just over a year and am feeling stronger at 41 years old than I did in my twenties. I’ve lost 32 pounds of fat and built muscle. Thanks to the weight loss and energy levels from dialed in nutrition I’ve PR’d twice in the marathon recently: 3:29:32 at the Hartford Marathon (October 2019) and 3:19:55 at the Revel Kulia Marathon (January 2020). I also ran a half marathon PR of 1:37:28 at the One City Half Marathon (March 2020). As you can tell I’m thrilled by these results!
My sister Autum started working with Coach Natalie in November since she was frustrated about not losing the “baby” weight after having her fourth child two years ago. She has been staying focused and has lost 20 pounds so far. She just finished the One City Half Marathon in 1:49:47 which was a 10 min PR for her and 30 minutes faster than her previous half marathon 3 months ago. She looks and feels like a whole new person!

Autum and Angie at the One City Half
The Science to Transform
Using the link metpro.co/bookMTA, you can download a free copy of MetPro’s new book –The Science to Transform.
Inside you will find answers to questions like . . .
- Should you focus on carbs?
- Should you count calories?
- Does food quality really make a difference?
- Does it matter “when” and “how much” you eat?
- Is there such a thing as good, better, and best when it comes to exercise?
- Does knowing your Metabolic Rate help you lose weight?
- How do you know when you should change your diet?
I registered twice for the eBook and it never came in. Not sure what happened but you may want to look into it, since it was offered.
Hi Adolfo, I think it might take about 15 minutes to arrive in your inbox. Did you check your spam folder?
I did wait 15 minutes and more, that’s why I tried a second time and nothing happened. I just wanted to let you know so you can look into it if necessary.
Hi Angie. Congrats to you and your sister! Love sharing in your success. I enjoyed MetPro too and really appreciate Angelo’s unique perspective on nutrition. I’m wondering if since starting MetPro, have you ever gained some weight and had success in losing it again? Or has your weight stayed stable since losing after starting MetPro. I’m having trouble with maintaining after the program. Would love a podcast or blog post on that.
Hi Diana! You’re absolutely right, weight maintenance can be almost as challenging as weight loss. It’s very normal for the body to fluctuate a few pounds over the course of a few weeks (this week I had a 5 pound increase due to my menstrual cycle). Much of this is influenced by the hormonal cycle for women, heavy training, and of course what we eat and drink. So it’s important to figure out if you’re experiencing water fluctuations, muscle gain, or fat gain. If you suspect that it’s fat gain influenced by slipping back into old eating habits and extra stress there are definitely things you can do to remedy it. We often have a very good idea of what habits are to blame (buying high sugar or high fat foods, late night snacking, skipping meals, skimping on protein and veggies). It may be helpful to go back to eating MetPro type meals in the same frequency that you were doing while working with a coach. It can be a pain to weight and measure food but it’s a good way to get back on track. By filling up on protein and veggies it also leaves a lot less room for the other foods that may not be helping you reach your goals. You’ve got this!