Don’t miss podcast episode 402 where we discuss how to think big and take action in running and life; and share books that we in enjoyed in 2022 (top picks).
In this post I share the 4 steps from that episode and some inspirational quotes!
1. Imagine a future version of yourself (the person you want to be).
Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve” is often attributed to Napoleon Hill, the author of the book “Think and Grow Rich.
Your mind wants to create the reality that you imagine. It’s like projecting an image of your future self onto a large screen (your imagination). Your subconscious mind goes to work creating that reality.
Listen to The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho:
“And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”
This perspective is healthier than thinking the universe is conspiring against you.
“There is only one thing that makes a dream impossible to achieve: the fear of failure.”
What goals would you pursue if you 100% free from the fear of failure?
“People are capable, at any time in their lives, of doing what they dream of.”
We just helped a gentleman run his first marathon at the age of 70. What’s more, he did it as part of the Disney Dopey Challenge. You are capable!
And finally,
So what are you dreaming about?
2. Pick a goal that scares you
The first time I typed this I accidentally wrote “pick a goal that scars you”. 😂
Here are examples of “scary goals”:
- Signing up for your first marathon
- Training for a 50k
- Doing a gnarly trail marathon at elevation (my personal fav)
- Running back-to-back races
- Roller Skating the Berlin Marathon (yes this is a thing)
- Running a sub 4 hour marathon
- Putting in the work to earn a BQ

My scary goal from 2022 was the rugged Mont Blanc Marathon in France
3. Put yourself in process
Just take the plunge and sign up for that challenge. Look at it as a forced self-development program. Crossing the finish line will require you to become a different person than you are today. The disciple built over the duration of the training process is what will change your life. So if life feels stagnant, sign up for something audacious and let the gravity of the challenge pull you into a process of personal growth.
I haven’t run a marathon since July so I just signed up for a road marathon in Belgium 🇧🇪 on May 21st. For me, thinking big means doing destination races in new countries. Want to join me? Shoot me an email.
4. Surround yourself with people who think big
We asked Academy members to share their 2023 goals with us. Here is a sampling:
100k at 55
“My big goal for this year is to run a 100k in November to celebrate turning 55. I’ll run Cowtown 50k in February as a stepping stone and hope for a 50k pr. Also looking for a couple more states to add to my collection. Biggest goal though is to stay healthy and keep on running!” -Debbie G.

Long time Academy member Debby Gelber is always up to something cool
To Build Back After Covid
“My last marathon was NYC 2019. Then Covid. So this is the year to get back in business. Buffalo Marathon in May and NYC Marathon in November. Training with coach Antonio”. -Keith R
Every Half Marathon in Ohio
“I am working on an on-going goal to run every half marathon in Ohio. So far I have run 30, out of over 100 Halfs. It’s impossible to keep an accurate list as there are always new races being added and others that are discontinued. But I’d like to eventually complete all big ones, or at least every race listed on Running In The USA.” -Cari M.
Running Streak
“Continue my running streak through 2023, today is 739. Consistently include strength training 3+ times/week even if it’s only 10-15 min. Run greater than a 5k 3 times/week and PR Half Marathon in February.” -Matthew L.
World Majors
Happy New Year! I will aim to smash my marathon PR, seek joy in the mountains, build a stronger body, and run two World Marathon Majors. I hope that you all crush your goals! -Bill Drinkward

Coaching client Bill Drinkward at the Mt Hood 50
Injury Free Marathon
“My major goal is to get to the Big Sur Marathon without any injury! Still battling a bit with right toe pain but Coach Carri has me on track to get there!” -Ellen H.
Surround yourself with big thinkers! We are not super athletes, we are everyday people pushing boundaries. Become an Academy Member today. Join the party.
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