Looking good and loving life. Colleen and Lee Staats with Meb Keflezighi before the Columbus Marathon.
In this episode we bring you a marathon success story with Lee and Colleen Staats, two Academy members from Galion, Ohio, who are transforming their lives through running.
They have both lost weight since starting to run and recently completed the Columbus Marathon.
Colleen set a PR in the half and Lee qualified for Boston by running 3:21:52.
They have both battled through injury and a busy work load to achieve their goals.
It has been my great honor to be their running coach.
Questions for Lee and Colleen Staats
- Colleen- You posted an amazing before and after picture in the private Academy Facebook group. Tell us about your transformation and what motivated you to take control of your health and fitness? When did you start running?
- Lee- Did the changes Colleen was making carry over to you and the rest of the family? When did you start running? What made you want to run your first marathon?
- Colleen- I started doing personal coaching with you just over 5 months ago and you certainly had a challenging time training for the Columbus Half Marathon. Talk about some of the struggles you’ve had with injury. How did you stay positive through this experience and not simply throw in the towel?
- Lee- I started coaching you as you came off a metatarsal fracture in your foot and were training for your second marathon in Columbus. Your goal for this race was to BQ with sub-3:25. Talk about your training and how you managed this with a physically demanding job. Was there anything you had to change with your training for this marathon? What was your strategy going into this race?
- How has getting in better shape physically affected other areas of your life?
- What advice would you give someone who is just starting their running or weight loss journey?
- What are your future running goals?
Also Mentioned in this Episode
Thieves Essential Oil
It’s that time of year when sickness is going around and it’s no fun to be feeling ill over the holidays. One of the tools our family uses to support the immune system are essential oils. When I’m feeling the first signs of sickness my favorite is a blend from Young Living called Thieves.
Thieves® was created based on research about four thieves in France during the middle ages who covered themselves with cloves, rosemary, and other aromatics while robbing plague victims. This proprietary essential oil blend was university tested for its cleansing abilities and contains clove, lemon, cinnamon, euchalyptis and rosemary.
It is highly effective in supporting the immune system and helping you maintain good health. You can diffuse it into the air, rub it onto the skin or take a couple drops in capsule form. For more information on this great product visit: http://www.youngliving.com/en_US/products/
You can order retail by using my sponser number or become a member yourself and receive great discounts: 2247829
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