You Are Capable of So Much More Than You Think You Are

In this podcast episode we speak with Jacky Hunt-Broersma an amputee runner who finished 104 marathons in 104 days!

Jacky is an Arizona based ultrarunner who was born and raised in South Africa. She lost her leg in 2001 at the age of 26. In 2020 she became the first amputee to run 100-miles on a treadmill finishing in 23 hours 38 minutes. In 2022 she set a Guinness Record for Most Consecutive Days to Run a Marathon Distance (Female). This interview will reinforce the truth that, “You are capable of so much more than you think you are”.

Links Mentioned in this Episode

Joint Health PLUS® by Previnex -our top recommended joint supplement for runners. Save 15% with code MTA

Oladance Open Earbuds. They have 360° Superior Sound but never enter the ear, so there is no ear fatigue. Plus you never lose track of what’s happening around you. Use the promo code MTA20 to save 20%.

PATH Projects high performance running hats and beanies. Use our link for 10% off your first order!

Athletic Greens -Get 5 free travel packs and a 1 year supply of vitamin D with your first purchase.

Jacky Hunt-Broersma Instagram @ncrunnerjacky

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