“My face hurt because of how much I was smiling”

Congrats to community member Joanna R. on running her first marathon!

Thank you Angie and Trevor and the entire MTA community, I did my first marathon today- Chicago marathon. I was supposed to do it in 2020. I’ve been listening to the MTA Podcast since then and truly it has been so helpful in my training and keeping me motivated.

My face hurt because of how much I was smiling. Well, everything hurts but I felt SO GOOD! It was an incredible experience and I finished feeling so strong.

I ran it with my husband, who struggled with extreme nausea for the last 6 miles (I think he over dressed and had electrolyte issues) and our time wasn’t at our A or B goal- but I was SO proud of him for rallying, trusting my advice, and finishing with me. So between that win and how amazing I felt when we finished- I couldn’t have asked for a better day.

I said this was the only marathon that I ever really wanted to do, but that statement went out the window today. I can’t wait to get back out there again, and actually my husband said he would do it again too (he needs a redemption marathon!)

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