Best Money I’ve Ever Spent . . .

Just thought I’d share this really nice comment Angie received from one of our coaching clients named Mike Irwin. Mike is a Canadian and we actually had lunch with him when we drove through British Columbia last year.

Hey Angie, I wanted to thank Trevor and you for pairing me up with Coach Dominque. I’m a totally different runner now and I’ve finally gotten to the point where I run continuously after starting out as a Galloway runner. It’s the best money I’ve ever spent. I’m still dealing with a 58 year old body, but a 58 year old body that’s way fitter then it’s ever been! -Mike

We are so thrilled to hear that Mike is benefitting from MTA Coaching! Here are a couple points that stick out to me from his comment, Continue Reading →


All The Podcast Sponsor Discount Codes

Just a quick heads up that you can find all the discount codes we mention on the MTA Podcast on our Resources page of the website. The Resources page lives under the “About Page”. Go to “About” and select “Resources” from the dropdown menu.

Scroll down the page you will a see a list of codes and links in alphabetical order. Happy running!


Financial And Physical Fitness Have A Lot More In Common Than You Think

While it may seem like your wealthy friends look good because they can afford to enlist in a personal trainer, there is actually a much deeper connection between your fitness and your finances. According to research, those who tend to overspend on their purchases, tend to overeat as well, and vice versa. The more this cycle continues, the more they tend to feed off each other. Continue Reading →


Weight Loss Tips for Marathoners

*[Audio Content Available For Members Only. Click Here to Join Now]

In this podcast episode we bring you a special conversation with our nutrition coach, Natalie Mason, about how marathoners can lose weight and still maintain energy to do what they love.

And in the quick tip segment I’ll share how you can incorporate lower body strength training into your routine and never skip leg day again! Continue Reading →


Dear MTA family, you rock

The author at the UROC 100k finish line

“Sometimes we do hard things,” I wrote on the MTA Facebook page as a way to announce the completion of my first 100K recently.

It was a hard day for sure, just under 15 ½ hours, well off my A goal at the Ultra Race of Champions (UROC) in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia. But it was good enough to finish 38th overall out of 121, many of whom did not finish the race.

For me, the race was about the finish — and just getting to the start line. Crossing the finish line was the culmination of more than a year of training, with more ups and downs than UROC (11,000 feet of elevation gain and an equal amount of descent). Continue Reading →


Our Upcoming Races . . .

Angie will be running the Charlevoix Marathon in Michigan on June 22nd and one week later the Black Hills 50k in South Dakota.

I’m also planning to run a 50k this summer (my first) either in Montana or Colorado.

If you want to see all the races we have planned, we keep an up-to-date list on the Itinerary Page here.

Maybe we will see you at one of these!


The road to Boston is paved with MTA coaching

A couple of years ago during a business trip, I went to see the Boston Marathon finish line. I did not step on or pass the famous blue and yellow street decoration. I will run through it at another time, I told myself.

I repeated the same scenario last summer during a family vacation to Boston. At that time, I was going through a mix of emotions. I felt confident that my qualifying time from the November 2017 Indianapolis Monumental Marathon would be strong enough to get me into the 2019 race.

However, on that Boston trip, I was only a month out from emergency abdominal surgery. I had not been cleared to resume full activities at that time. Gentle jogging was as hard core as I was able to get at that point. Would I be able to regain the speed, endurance and fitness that I had developed since I began running in 2011? Would I still find the joy in the struggle? Would I still answer the alarm at oh-dark-thirty for training?

It did not take me long to answer my own questions. Continue Reading →