List of Training Plans

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5k and 10k Plans

5 Weeks to 5k Plan (5 weeks)
Beginner 10k Training Plan (10 Week Plan)
Intermediate 10k Training Plan (10 Week Plan)

Half Marathon Distance

Beginner Half Marathon Training Plan 12 Week Plan designed with the beginner in mind. You should have a running base built up and be able to run comfortably for 4 miles without stopping. Don’t worry about a time goal for your first half marathon. The goal is to finish strong and injury free.

Intermediate Half Marathon Training Plan 12 weeks plan designed with the intermediate in mind. You should have run at least one previous half marathon and be able to comfortably run for 6 miles without stopping.  
Beginner Trail Half Marathon 12 Week Plan designed with the beginner in mind. You should have a running base built up and be able to run comfortably for 4 miles without stopping. Don’t worry about a time goal for your first half marathon. The goal is to finish strong and injury free.
Intermediate Trail Half Marathon more aggressive than the beginner plan for the runner who has previously run a half marathon.

Targeted Finishing Time

The following plans are for runners who want to set a personal best time at their next half marathon. Before you start this schedule you should have a solid running base of running 3-5 miles at a time at least 3 times per week for 6-12 months. All the plans are downloadable/printable, have a detailed explanation of terms, and come in miles or metric versions.

3:00 Half Marathon (12 week plan)

2:55 Half Marathon (12 week plan)
2:50 Half Marathon (12 week plan)
2:45 Half Marathon (12 week plan)
2:40 Half Marathon (12 week plan)
2:35 Half Marathon (12 week plan)
2:30 Half Marathon (12 week plan)
2:25 Half Marathon (12 week plan)
2:20 Half Marathon (12 week plan)
2:15 Half Marathon (12 week plan)
2:10 Half Marathon (12 week plan)
2:05 Half Marathon (12 week plan)
2:00 Half Marathon (12 week plan)
1:55 Half Marathon (12 week plan)
1:50 Half Marathon (12 week plan)
1:45 Half Marathon (12 week plan)
1:40 Half Marathon (12 week plan)
1:35 Half Marathon (12 week plan)
1:30 Half Marathon (12 week plan)
1:25 Half Marathon (12 week plan)
1:20 Half Marathon (12 week plan)

1:15 Half Marathon (12 week plan)

Full Marathon Training Plans

Beginner Marathon Training Plan 20 week plan designed to get the beginner through the marathon strong and injury free. You should have a running base built up in which you’ve been running 3-5 miles per session at least 3 days per week for 6-12 months. You should be able to comfortably run 5 miles without stopping.

Intermediate Marathon Training Plan 16 weeks plan designed with the intermediate in mind. You should have run at least one previous marathon, be currently running 20-25 miles per week, and be able to comfortably run 8 miles. If you do not fit this criteria, consider using the beginner marathon schedule.  
Beginner Trail Marathon 20 week plan designed to get the beginner through the marathon strong and injury free. You should have a running base built up in which you’ve been running 3-5 miles per session at least 3 days per week for 6-12 months. You should be able to comfortably run 5 miles without stopping.
Intermediate Trail Marathon 16 weeks plan designed with the intermediate in mind. You should have run at least one previous marathon, be currently running 20-25 miles per week, and be able to comfortably run 8 miles. If you do not fit this criteria, consider using the beginner marathon schedule.  

Target Finishing Time

The following plans are for runners who want to set a personal best time at their next marathon. Before you start this schedule you should have a solid running base of running 3-5 miles at a time at least 3 times per week for 6-12 months. It is beneficial to have run a marathon previously. All the plans are downloadable/printable, have a detailed explanation of terms, and come in miles or metric versions.

6:45 Marathon (16 week plan)

6:40 Marathon (16 week plan)
6:35 Marathon (16 week plan)
6:30 Marathon (16 week plan)
6:25 Marathon (16 week plan)
6:20 Marathon (16 week plan)
6:15 Marathon (16 week plan)
6:10 Marathon (16 week plan)
6:05 Marathon (16 week plan)
6:00 Marathon (16 week plan)
5:55 Marathon (16 week plan)
5:50 Marathon (16 week plan)
5:45 Marathon (16 week plan)
5:40 Marathon (16 week plan)
5:35 Marathon (16 week plan)
5:30 Marathon (16 week plan)
5:25 Marathon (16 week plan)
5:20 Marathon (16 week plan)
5:15 Marathon (16 week plan)
5:10 Marathon (16 week plan)
5:05 Marathon (16 week plan)
5:00 Marathon (16 week plan)
4:55 Marathon (16 week plan)
4:50 Marathon (16 week plan)
4:45 Marathon (16 week plan)
4:40 Marathon (16 week plan)
4:35 Marathon (16 week plan)
4:30 Marathon (16 week plan)
4:25 Marathon (16 week plan)
4:20 Marathon (16 week plan)
4:15 Marathon (16 week plan)
4:10 Marathon (16 week plan)
4:05 Marathon (16 week plan)
4:00 Marathon (16 week plan)
3:55 Marathon (16 week plan)
3:50 Marathon (16 week plan)
3:45 Marathon (16 week plan)
3:40 Marathon (16 week plan)
3:35 Marathon (16 week plan)
3:30 Marathon (16 week plan)
3:25 Marathon (16 week plan)
3:20 Marathon (16 week plan)
3:15 Marathon (16 week plan)
3:10 Marathon (16 week plan)
3:05 Marathon (16 week plan)
3:00 Marathon (16 week plan)
2:55 Marathon (16 week plan)

Ultra Marathon Distances

Beginner 50k Training Plan designed to get the beginner ready to run a 50k ultramarathon. This is a 20 week long plan that will have you running 4 days per week with interspersed balanced cross-training.

Intermediate 50k Training Plan -more aggressive than the beginner plan. This is a 20 week long plan that will have you running 5 days per week with interspersed balanced cross-training.
Beginner 50 Mile Training Plan designed to get the runner ready to run their first 50 miler. This is a 24 week long plan that will have you running 4 days per week with interspersed balanced cross-training.
Intermediate 50 Mile Training Plan -more aggressive than the beginner plan. This is a 20 week long plan that will have you running 5 days per week with interspersed balanced cross-training.